Could Ramsay be next? I can't see a resolution to BastardBowl other than Littlefinger showing up at the 11th Hour with the Vale armies to save the day for Sansa oppa Gandalf style.
Could Ramsay be next? I can't see a resolution to BastardBowl other than Littlefinger showing up at the 11th Hour with the Vale armies to save the day for Sansa oppa Gandalf style.
A man went from being one of the most interesting and mysterious characters in the whole show (circa season 2) to being a boring and shitty teacher who spends all his time washing dead people's faces.
If a man were hired to kill Cersei, couldn't a man just do it himself? I do think he has some deeper purpose, but I don't know what it is.
A Bastardpalooza without at least one Gendry is considered a dull affair.
I've felt for a few episodes that she's going to kill Tommen.
After reading some stuff on Reddit, I now believe that it wasn't Arya who was stabbed, but rather Jaqen posing as Arya to test Waif. People pointed out the way she walks, her hair, and the music that was playing, which all indicate that it might have been him.
Oh god, I was wondering who will save her. That could actually be the answer. Why would he be in Braavos though?
He's been off the show for a long time. They wanted to explain what happened to him, show what he's been up to, and then establish a thematic/plot arc for his character moving forward. I don't think it was brilliant TV, but it's not like it was awful either. Just very straightforward and predictable.
Quite the opposite. I work in a rough district. It makes it easy to find cheating on essays because phrases and words that don't seem to fit the average student's vocabulary stick out. This year alone I've probably busted 10 different people for copying + pasting from things they found on Google.
I thought it was a bit of a dud as well, but it wasn't all bad. The Hound thing served its purpose and reintroduced him effectively. I don't think Arya vs. Waif is over yet.
Well I work with high school kids and most of them are nowhere near that articulate. I suppose you can chalk it up to the whole high-born noble thing though.
As far as GoT goes, a prison shanking only rates as mildly bad.
You talked to a lot of ten year olds lately?
You'll have to build a wall to keep me out.
It would be too boring of a show if she escaped without incident. I apply the rule of Breaking Bad to all television shows: "If things seem to be going well, something really bad is about to happen."
Art imitates life. Some GoT viewers are as politically adept and perceptive as Ned Stark.
Hopefully a more even matchup than this Cavs-Warriors series.
Her dialogue was totally unbelievable for child of that age, but hey…I guess it's not the most unrealistic thing on a show with dragons, giants, and demon babies.
The little cuck wouldn't cry. He'd do the emo thing and say, "I totally understand, honey. I'll be here waiting for you whenever you're ready."
Every teenager goes through a phase where they think they're Daario Naharis. It's normal.