
That'll be our little secret.

We're gonna live like kings! Damn hell ass kings!

You're not serious with that Night Nurse reference right? It's not just a reference to a failed series. Because, while that is where the character started out, she's been recurring in the Marvel Universe since Bendis reintroduced her as Night Nurse in his Daredevil run. It's referencing the fact that Claire has, from

I remember this series very fondly, The Follow especially. All of the other ones were fairly generic action flicks but Wong Kar-Wai's is excellent.

This pleases me.

His jiggling is almost hypnotic.

"Harrison Ford would apparently rather be doing basically anything
besides reprising another of his famous roles for a profit-driven,
decades-late sequel."

Meh, they've been doing great adult Batman and Joker for years with the Arkham games, the Killing Joke, while dark is around the same level (psychological torture…not to mention whatever really happens to Barbara in Joker's attack not withstanding). Hamill's Arkham Joker is a seriously creepy take on the character and

I'm a massive fan of the comic (but am not one of those guys who cries foul at any slight changes), and I dig the casting so far… but honestly… from what we've seen so far (mind you, its just casting notices and one teaser), this looks to basically be Preacher in name only. No one would be happier than me if I were

But the fact that he was more than that is what gave the series a lot of it's most heartfelt moments in it's final seasons. Robin and Barney ending up together was sort of a culmination of two characters who grew over the course of the series together. The reason why it was so heartwarming and almost revolutionary is

“I wrote a letter to my dad, I was going to write 'I really enjoyed being here', but I accidentally wrote 'rarely' instead of 'really'. But I wanted to use it, I didn't want to cross it out, so I wrote 'I rarely drive steamboats, Dad. There's a lot of shit you don't know about me. Quit trying to act like I'm a

I definitely see the comparison, especially since it's basically McCarthy experimenting with two forms of "selling out" his brand of quiet, low-budget character studies. First going for an audience expanding star, the second for subject matter that might potentially tip it towards Oscar bait. Spotlight however comes

Also, because it's a solidly constructed, and well acted film. The same goes for 12 Years A Slave.

I think it boils down to, for me at least: Would Gibson have made it a better Mad Max film? Possibly. Would Gibson have made it a better movie overall? I doubt it. Hell the movie honestly might have been able to survive with a different title and just had it set in the same universe. I'd say about 80% of the positive

That's a good point, Gibson's involvement would have definitely added an uncomfortable angle to the film's positive feminist message and it likely wouldn't have gotten half of the positive pre-screening press as it did with that added bit of conversation.

I am a huge Hardy fan…but what exactly did he do in Fury Road? I don't think he distracts from the greatness too much (his bizarre choice of Bane-like voice aside), but to say he gave even a tenth of the performance of Theron is a bit weird. No one's saying she has the better role because "Surprise! She's the hero!"

What the fuck? How did this happen? Who's responsible for this? I want answers!

Shit and goddammit are fine for basic.

I've been calling people "bozo"

Oh yeah, syndicated reruns of this show are a mess