
Well, yes, if you mean the network chooses for them not to. It's not decided on a show by show basis and it's not up to the shows themselves. The Cable network would be carried by less providers if they allowed stronger language and nudity, because it means there's less of a shot of getting advertisers for said shows.

Not true. "Fuck" is still a no go.

I mean "Network TV Foul-mouthed" isn't exactly "Foul-mouthed" is it? Hell, even Sunny is limited in it's language due to it's basic Cable status.

Yeah… I consider myself a fairly decent Michael Mann fan but I honestly couldn't get through this.

It's not a great picture, admittedly.

I don't quite understand, despite briefly living here, and seemingly idolizing our culture… how does Smith still think of Canadians as complete stereotypes?

He's only directing it…so chances it won't be noticeable save for the credits. The Flash has a lot going for it…but flashy direction isn't one of them so he should fit in fine.


So do you!….wait…Aw… *sulks*

Maybe they just didn't feel like converting the game's currency to one centered around portions of inflatable space-muffins?

Um….One Race Films? That sounds like something Goebbels crossed off his "Idea List" for being too on the nose.

Also who feeds the prisoners?

Didn't he basically say "That will be the pilot desperately trying to correct altitude before you all freeze to death?"… I don't think that's necessarily a pretty future.

Oh man can we talk about how terrifying that plane scene was? Not only does he take the time to flirt with the stewardess, he then takes a moment to absolutely terrify her before gleefully letting all the passengers know they're about to die. That was some seriously cold shit. Any hopeless shippers still hoping Skye

No no, that's fair. I just meant, its not like she wasn't killing people left and right before. But you're right about the agency behind it.

Sara was in the League of Assassins right up to her death was she not? So…

I'd say the smart money is on Detective Lance at this point…

The movies are what count… I mostly have skipped the host stuff over the years. It can get pretty dire.

"Mr. B what would you know about dignity?"

Ok seriously…new challenge…somebody find that split second. It exists. It must.