
I don't need someone to prove gravity to me, just as one doesn't honestly need extensive data to know that women still don't get paid as much as men. Here's a solidly easy breakdown though.

It's The AV Club, we're not here to do your Economics homework for you.

Because there's a huge wage gap between men and women in high paying jobs no matter what the industry?

It fucking better.

James Marsters also had a band for several years, Ghost in The Machine. They weren't very good but he's got a solid voice in OMWF

Same reason I won't play Scattergories.

The rules are also laid out to us by one, seemingly confused kid. Its all explained pretty vaguely by him because it's all he's figured out by that point. He never even spoke to the girl who gave it to him again. So I don't necessarily count the rules as 100% concrete. The holes it creates are simply part of the

Yeah it's not an independently scary scene, it's contextual. As the article mentions it's 50 minutes into the movie and the audience has already become accustomed to the rules and tone of the film.

I've also never got that persistent argument… Yes It is always walking towards you. But It also seemingly changes forms at random. Why couldn't it take the form of something in the other country when you got there? I think there's enough leeway in the premise to allow that.

I think Alex's point about how exactly does that differ from most horror movies kind of negates that. But you do raise an interesting point that I think applies in different levels to horror fans. If you don't believe the premise could happen(which, in this case, is obviously sci-fi) does it cease to be scary from

Agreed, but I also find that commentary to be a bit of the horror as well. The concept that we as a society would facilitate these barbaric rituals is definitely scary to me.

Yeah if anything it's much more Lovecraftian (I swear that's the first time I've used that descriptor) than Sci-Fi.

This comment was pure gold. A simple like is not enough.

I too dug As Above So Below. It wasn't perfect, but I haven't seen many horror flicks of late that were. Plus. points for shooting in the catacombs.

Oh, I don't deny it's cheapness

Its not a bad idea, but Walking Dead's whole thing is everyone already has the virus.

Is it really "serious bullshit" if over half the audience figured that's what was going down anyways? From the purposely convoluted way it was shot, to the mysterious "shoulder intestines", to the fact that it isn't a very strongly written "death" to begin with, I pretty much assumed a move like this from the second

That stretch into additional seasons? Edit: Not trying to be a dick, I just think it's about 99% possible he's alive.

Yes, they paid the actor for additional episodes and shot countless hours of footage with him just to "throw us off their scent"… Makes a lot of sense.