
Still didn't enjoy it… How much money it made doesn't really factor into whether or not I enjoyed it. The Fast and The Furious movies make huge bank and do decent with critics, doesn't mean I have to enjoy them.

Oh man… she's actually quite bad in it.

I gave the movie another go this weekend. I felt like I was really hard on it when I saw it in theatres…but nope. It really was that bad.

I think that was HBO's slogan right after "It's not TV. It's HBO"

News of Sofia Veggara's involvement in 5….4….3….2….

Even more bizarrely is they're all the same night.


I'd be happier with the dollar.

Lauren Ambrose as well if my-too-lazy-to-imdb-it memory doesn't fail me?

Pre-Famy Adams did a lot of bizarre TV work…

Didn't they even end up reediting that into "Cruel Intentions 2" after it failed?

Yeah I was surprised this was missed in the review as well, it was very very clear.

Yeah lets not just start dropping Sheev into common conversation and pretend like its no big deal.

You can swear its ok. As a fellow Canadian this shit makes me furious too.

While we do have C.S.I.S. I doubt it'd be implemented in this kind of case. Its definitely an unenforceable law as how in the hell would they even try to enforce a law against another country's citizen without inciting mild international incidents. Of course, Harper being the douche weasel that he is, guaranteed he's

"But overall, Tales Of Halloween effectively strikes a balance between the sinister and the cheerful, and with so many segments, if there’s something you don’t like, it doesn’t last that long anyway." but a mediocre B rating because… reasons?


Yeah but you can blame them? The fine stitching on "Dope" alone.

But did she speak eloquently?

Mine went straight to my cousin ShottyStreetUrchinsHat… Man ABC's payroll department has to get their shit together.