
It was one of those great moments where I was like "What…what's going on here?". And I absolutely loved him just leaving.

No mention of my absolute favourite gag? David Hyde Pierce's "Was that good? I can do another one if you want" before removing his mustache, grabbing his emmy and wandering away.

I agree that the Dougie stuff has gone on wayyyyy too long. But as "Twin Peaks' as it has been in the past few episodes, it will never truly be Twin Peaks without Dale Cooper.

Yeah, I was grateful to return to normalcy a bit. Episodes like the last are special because of the rarity. Last week was fascinating, but if it was like that every week, I'd explode. This week I finally felt like things we're starting to click in place.

…a protean slickster?

Yeah, holy hell was that movie bad… I was not expecting anything nearly as boring.


Or to others…it does look like actual fun.

Ah yes, the scene where Natasha brings up the fact that she was sterilized, something they did so she would be able to murder better without mercy… and therefore also felt like a monster because of the murderin' not because of the sterilization.

Yes opposed to the rest of Hollywood who predominantly works with overweight minorities.

But it had a three minute segment where Thor had a dream sequence. So…you know…Apparently the rest doesn't count.

Or, one accepts responsibility for one's gender being a cause of many of these issues and does everything they can to do things differently, if they can, even if not perfect themselves. An ally, in these cases, can be much more than a soapbox. That implies that all that needs to be done for equality issues to be

Being that ScarJo was pregnant for the majority of her Avengers 2 shoots and therefore digital face replacement used for action scenes and that Scarlett Witch definitively does not smile during action scenes… I'm calling complete bullshit on that.

Oh, agree 100%. I'm basically in love with Babs Tarr's art.

Babs currently has an implant in her spine that allows her to walk again. She's been back in the cowl for years now, and honestly some of her best stuff has been during this time. As for those asking her current age, she's a grad student now so currently in her early to mid twenties. Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr's

Pobody's nerfect.

Only the original Trek aired on Major Network TV.

Uh…Lost, Agents of Shield, Heroes and Twin Peaks were/are all on major network tv. Heroes lasted four seasons and a reboot. Agents of Shield is in it's 4th season…

Don't get me wrong, he's made some solid flicks… But I don't think anything he's made has really been all that out of the box, visually or execution-wise. Edge of Tomorrow, while excellent, is about as straight forward as that concept could be told.