
Almost everything you listed is stuff specific to the series. Why do we care where Simmons is? Because its another planet! No one knows which planet, its just cool that the show is going to another planet. An offhand mention that so and so might be such character isn't really that distracting is it? I mean, despite

I know right? What Brittany Murphy wasn't availabl…oh…oh…oh….

Like…right there in the video?… Cause maybe.

So's the entire Steel industry

Maybe the main problem isn't that it's predominantly male writers, but the fact that by the final reveal (not counting the Girls one) that it was all Marge's dream that didn't once take her own perspective into account is certainly a bit troubling in terms of gender equality. Marge doesn't even factor into her own

Cyrus Hill with the London Symphony Orchestra

or Another Way to Die (despite the movie's fault)

Seriously, there's not enough upvotes for that classic comment.

Oh shit. I love that idea. Yes.

Woah. On first listen? This…this is not good. The first of the Craig-era Bond songs that's really really flat. No one's challenging Smith's vocal talents, he's a fantastic singer, this is not a Bond theme. Mind you, this might end up working in context, Skyfall only got better once incorporated with the fantastic

The Californians?

This is definitely one of the only positive reviews of this so far…

Riki Lindhome is a national treasure.

But it just sounds so made up!

Yeah, were Stewart afford that opportunity at this juncture, it would have been a hell of a lot angrier. Colbert is generally a very civil person (as we're beginning to see), where as Stewart does have a lot of anger hiding behind good intentions.

Colbert was civil in that he resisted the urge to ask anything resembling a tough question to his ignorant guest.

Yeah…but with Riki Lindhome! Everyone wins. I agree though, the preview had some funnier lines.

I thought I saw him in some of the promo material but he wasn't in the pilot from what I saw.

I enjoyed this a lot, despite some of the stiltedness to it. People (or rather, this site specifically) seem to really be jumping on it for mean, exhasperated Kermit… but I was consistently laughing at him throughout so it's a good change for me. If Kermit is ostensibly going to be the lead of the series, I think it's

Yeah I'm super excited for Jessica Jones…but that part does give me pause. Daredevil had a group of talented (half of them Whedonverse) writers that managed to ground the whole thing… hopefully Jessica Jones has the same.