
Sorry, I meant a financed production. The Guild was Day's own production before Microsoft picked up some of the tab. And lonelygirl was independent as well. Obviously there's thousands of webseries on there but I'm not sure if YouTube has actually produced anything as of yet have they?

Oh thank god…I was worried this was a thing that was going to happen until I read the article.

It's called throwin' shade now.

Great Job Internet becomes "Hey guys, read a random tweet today"

On closer inspection they appear to be loafers.

Or perhaps more devastatingly, twenty-year olds may have a harder time following the world's events. Not a knock on them, its a testament to how important the show is.

It was more of a "In conclusion" sum up of what he tried to get across during his tenure. While Conan's (admittedly beautiful) send off was more about a grateful man thankful for the career he's been bestowed.

An obligation to finish the story? Seriously, what do they think is left unsaid? Like I'm sure there's still more giant squid monsters out there in the world to punch… but…

And special award for those students who obviously had no help at all from their parents goes to Internet.

Look, I may not be rich, Mr. Blume, my father may only be a doctor, but we manage.

Feige has since said that that is something that will be explored in Phase 3, so Ant-Man 2 or not, we'll be seeing her again. She was great, I spent half the movie thinking "Why isn't she Ant-Man, she's trained and way more capable then either of them:

So playing 300 year old Logan as opposed to 250 year old Logan?

Have been hearing that a lot, but no one seemed to care when he made four crime movies in a row?

Interesting recast. I guess I've missed the last fourteen entries in the series… did Rabbit ever win a Rap Battle?

So… B-?

Oh god… Footage of A Bear haunts me to this day

Which is nice.

Vámonos, padawans," he whispered, and threw the busted leather flintcraw over the loose weave of the dewback's saddlecock

This. This was classic.

Oh man, not to mention that amazing supporting cast barely touched upon here. Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Hank Azaria, Natalie Portman, Tom Sizemore, William Fichtner, Amy Brennanan, Ashley Judd, Dennis Haybert, Danny Trejo…