J Dawg

OH MY GOD THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER WHAT AM I oh hey Justified'll be back on soon? Very well, I am assuaged.

My favorite kind of retort: shame-filled.

It's obvious he didn't change his name just so his name would be Captain Awesome. It's so his business would be called Captain Awesome's Custom Cabinets.

What's the LaFlair part for?

You may also consider your intellectual prowess somewhat mitigated by the moniker "Dookiestain".

Won't someone please think of the innocent and hard working middle class folks?!

No incomplete lies, though. Very thorough.

I have to admit. She's exactly the kind of crazy I'm always sticking my dick in exasperated sigh.

*slow clap, building in tempo to furious applause*


Achilles? Sulking in his tent?! READ A BOOK, PEOPLE!

Is it for the Death Shocker?

That man
has blind people eyes.

I, for one, like your story. Also, I bothered to register.

Walking out of movies does feel great. I did it to that movie where Bronson Pinchot plays the psychic and I pumped my fist because I felt like the Rocky of not watching movies all the way through.

So it's settled. No one agrees with anyone.

Yup, that was much worse than canceraids.

That's one sad bastard park he's the ranger of.

Man, the guy who tried to get firsties in this thread got something worse than canceraids.

I dunno. Monkeydollars *sounds* safeā€¦