J Dawg

Seriously though, can I hire this guy to defend me in court?

I guess we'll see! :D

Maybe the Bennett boys can get into a fight with Raylan, Hank and Britt or at least they will in my sad fan fiction. (Also, it will be a tag team match in Mexico.)

Yes, the dope growing girl who fended off an aggressive attack from a rapist with barbed wire isn't going to get punched. They've only really shown that sort of mainstream stuff on the show so far.

Pretty, smart and morally sound - you only get to pick two in Harlan County and that's if you're lucky.

Morbo is pleased.

I'm pretty sure Doyle's truck says 'Bennett Police'. Which is hilarious.


Doyle isn't the sherriff. He's just the police officer in the town named after his family. Sheriff is the other policeman in the episode. I think?

Wasn't the first one kinda animed up, too?

I keep thinking
this movie is 'Hall Pass' for some reason.

The Aristocrats!

The Critic porn: it stinks!

Hey everybody! Troll orgy!

Thanks for letting us know you're not involved in this article in any way.



Only if they are also making hang-ten signs, Joe.

"Hey, why is that dude laughing?"

I think it was pretty damned good, had characters I actually cared about and got probably the shittiest publicity in the world, which probably directly translates into how badly it did. Although, on paper, it does seem like a really hard show to promote. Oh well. It got a pretty good chance.