J Dawg

I saw
Paul Blart because of a woman. WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW, FEMINIST PARODY MAKERS?!

Oh man, we didn't get those sweet tires. Guess we'll just have to settle for raping this woman then shooting her with a crossbow.

Remember, internet: once something has been good once, it can never be good again.

One time I licked the nipple of a mannequin in a Victoria's Secret. I have pills now.

Is this where the line to fuck Leonard Pierce starts?

It's an easy answer but ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER is always utterly brilliant. He's probably the only person on the internet whose comments are enhanced by caps lock.

I gotta say, Tasha, your comeback to that Franz Kafka thing was brilliant and it stung. OH IT STUNG.

I think you're forgetting that helping Michael out is fun as hell.

Sometimes, a woman is so beautiful and you love her so much, you just want to fuck every part of her that your dick will fit in. That's how I knew your mother was the one, kids.

Yeah, some AV Clubber really gave it to the whole genre of ska in that entry, didn't they? Oof.

Quim is good. It's like the last name of a detective.

Cyrus T. Explodo!

Was anyone else…
…waiting for her to vomit?

That's because 'In the Year 2000' became 'In the Year 300o', and Triumph was on… what, this week or last week at that dog spa? So yeah, what were we talking about?

Thank god you decided to update us on the fact that you don't care, ElDan. I'll go make a note on my pasteboard.

My favorite part
I like how the dudes have their beds next to each other so, apparently, they can watch each other fuck. It's like douchebag Ozzie and Harriet.

I like how it teaches you basic selling techniques through drug dealing.

I think a Radiohead Rock Band should come with a noose. Save you the trouble of finding something end your soul-sucking depression after the third play-through.

You really shouldn't woo while you chug.

I think ripping on 'Ghostbusters' actually made Tasha Robinson pregnant.