J Dawg

But on the other hand, they're sufficiently advanced enough to know that building giant robots and blowing shit up is incredibly fun, so they went with that plan. After that, they get bored, that's when they blow everything up.


I think ska bands are usually the ones who own the 'put your genre into the title of your band' game.

Glad I could help.

Usually the Chapel Hill music scene is better represented here. Try harder, cokeheads!

Did they get that from Futurama?

The big thing here is what will happen when and if the secret about Donna gets discovered by any other SoA Chapter.

The best kind of asshole, though.

Half-Sack is going to die. From ball trauma.

And the terrible bit is, if any of the other SoA chapters find out that Clay got Opie's wife killed, it won't just be other members of the Redwood Originals they'll have to worry about. This show is killing me.

Your name is long. :(

I stand corrected! Or sit in an office chair corrected.

Good job, internet!

I'm pretty impressed that someone ran right out and made an Intangible Fancy profile.

Hey, she did see the Gidget movies so let's give her a little bit of leeway. I mean, she's obviously used to the cultural high road.

Hey, you mess with the stop-motion bull-dog thing, you get the horns.

"I'm always drunk and awesome" is the best thing I've ever read.

You seem sad, Genevieve.

You know, just because your parents pressured you to become a doctor, doesn't mean anything below an A means terrible.

Wow, you're really mad about the bad 30 Rock reviews, aren't you?