Kung-Fu Kitty

Ahh, thanks.

I was just in Chicago for a few days and noticed the entire lower levels facing the river were "Available for Lease." Is that a new development? It made me smile thinking that it was.

To prove his "status?" What the fuck is a DNA test going to prove? Not that he's Canadian. Unless these assholes have a copy of his DNA somewhere, the test wouldn't even prove he was who he said he was. This makes no sense.

My first saison was Great Divide's Colette. I still quite enjoy it and it seems like one they're distributing widely and year round at the moment.

Not only is Kill Hitler dumb in that someone else could fill his place. It is dumb because it assumes WWII was solely caused by an individual and not political and economic pressures of the time.

Too bad they erased themselves last week. Good luck finding them chumps!

Yeah. He brought Floating Weeds to my campus for a film series he did every year probably in preparation for the commentary track. It was definitely my first exposure to Ozu.

I seem to remember Floating Weeds being the most divergent from his normal late-period story structure. It's also in color which shows an added aspect to his scene setting.

What select theaters? I found NY via google, but do we just assume Buffalo and Coral Gables for all great film re-releases?

Thanks for the tip. I'm pretty sure guy companion just told me not to go there because of the bounty on my head, so that helps.

I realized that in a dialogue option today. Guess the Jedi Civil War just destroyed all five letter planets starting with T.

I decided to read last week's KOTOR I article and finally just give up the idea of going back to play that game. I went and read the whole story then decided to start up KOTOR II which got the recent update and semi-official mod on Steam. I never got off Telos in the first game, so I'm a bit miffed that after

Once you get [Void] I think and realize how powerful it can be, you suddenly are able to create some awesome attacks. I had started then stopped for a year, but when I got back into it this summer I played it through twice. The gameplay mechanic ended up being my favorite part of the game, and I love the art and

I was destroyed when my fox pal was murdered in Never Alone. Just a mid-game gut punch I was completely not expecting.

Sarah and Duck is the best pre-K show I've seen so far. It avoids constant moralizing of Thomas. It is just about a girl and her duck going on absurdist adventures. It is great. Scarf Lady and Bag? Hilarious.

Pearl Jam's Daughter is always better live, because they always tag another song or two by another artist onto the end. Hearing the studio version on the radio is always a bit disappointing, because it was always exciting to see what else would be added to the live version.

It's $6.79 on Steam sale right now.

After my PS3 broke, I resold that to a gamestop and got $22 or something because it was "rare." It might be hard to find.

Any Pearl Jam song, although one with official lyrics might be easier for a band to cover.

Queen - "Don't Stop Me Now"