Kung-Fu Kitty

The National - "Graceless"

Swell Season - The Verb

John Oliver coined the term "fuckeulogy" in a podcast episode of The Bugle discussing Osama Bin Laden's death.  They had another one for Gaddafi.

The first thing I thought of was how would John Oliver deliver a fuckeulogy for Kim Jong Il now that the Bugle podcast has lost its sponsorship.

Yes.  Awesome.

I definitely thought about it much later too, but mostly because 303 is my area code and it popped into my head again.

I thought about that too.  Pretty funny meta add-in there.

Wrapping up its first 15 minutes with…
"There may be weapons or something dangerous in that bag!"
"Stab it!  Stab it now!"


300 Big Boys and coffee. Just want to get to that zen moment…

Thanks for the write-ups.

Radiohead - Bodysnatchers is my favorite hard run song at the moment.
DJ Shadow - Blood on the Motorway (especially the Live in Tune version) has an awesome crescendo about 2/3's in that always drives me a bit faster.

I like the show too. I'm glad they're keeping the daughter around as those interactions develop the Lightman character best.