
Your mom is cool.

Or my case against 2010's Unstoppable.

I have to agree about #1, McDonald's french fries. No other fast food french fries are better. Where I live, I can go to In-N-Out Burger to get a cheeseburger at the drive thru, then hustle over to the McDonald's just on the other side of the freeway to get french fries at their drive thru. And then I eat. McDonald's

Like when Marlon Brando died and some young 'un said, "Superman's dad died?"

I did the same. Looked on imDB and I trace it back to 1998, the year of Ronin.

Agreed! Ronin was the last great movie where De Niro was still De Niro. After that, he was somewhat good in Meet The Parents. But that movie got high ratings because of Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, I'd argue.

When I saw Exit Through the Gift Shop, I was totally enjoying it, totally buying it. Until the part where they show what is supposed to be a snippet of Thierry Guetta's rough cut of his own film. Real rough cuts are 100 times less polished and less boring than the clip they showed. So I knew my leg was being pulled.

This is my beef about Catfish: After the feature came out with the controversy about it possibly being fake, "catfish" was coming to mean "faked documentary." But now MTV gave them a TV show so today "catfish" means "Internet relationship with deception." I'm disappointed.

I also would like to think that Amy's is the true story. Leonard's line about family is a personal wish fulfillment for himself, because he's not that close to his family. Penny's line about a secret past catching up with him speaks to her having a dual life (she can act, but doesn't have an acting career; she has an

And Idris Elba can use his own British accent!

I also see that it's not a good move. But I think it's welcome on this show. Why should the characters always do the right move or speak the truth? Let them make bone-headed decisions. Because of the mention of Varys in the comments, Game of Thrones is on my mind. What I really liked about those books was how the

I've been itching to say this for a long time: Connie Britton is beautiful! I hope she never gets plastic surgery. I never watched FNL or American Horror Story. She looks like a REAL middle-aged woman, not something from a factory.

I like Zac Posen. I like Zac Posen's dress designs. But without Michael Kors's brilliant descriptions of garments (my all-time favorites are "barefoot Appalachian Lil' Abner Barbie" and "pole dancer in Dubai"), then what's the point of watching Project Runway?!

I swear there was a mention in Season 1 about Rachel's dad being a high-powered lawyer. They already established she was self-conscious about being "only" a paralegal while her dad was some big shot attorney. I coulda sworn either Mike knew this or Harvey already knew this back then. Any remember this too? Did I make

I enjoyed Penny's reaction when Sheldon wasn't looking. All the grabbing at Leonard's arm and her eyes growing big, etc. I especially liked the part where she thanks Sheldon for talking about something difficult to talk about and Sheldon's little "oh, yeah" and small waving gesture with his hand.

Magnolia has the same structure as Robert Altman's Short Cuts. Short Cuts is far superior.

Magnolia has the same structure as Robert Altman's Short Cuts. Short Cuts is far superior.

With the news last week that Political Animals would not get an additional order, I thought I'd just say that they did a good job with this mini-series. Particularly with this last episode. It wrapped up each storyline just enough that a viewer like me could walk away content if the show was canceled. I would've

With the news last week that Political Animals would not get an additional order, I thought I'd just say that they did a good job with this mini-series. Particularly with this last episode. It wrapped up each storyline just enough that a viewer like me could walk away content if the show was canceled. I would've

I would be totally fine with lip syncing. Why don't they do that? This is a TV drama series about singers. It's not a concert put on by actual musical artists.