
I would be totally fine with lip syncing. Why don't they do that? This is a TV drama series about singers. It's not a concert put on by actual musical artists.

This is helpful to me. I know squat about country music, but I recognize the names Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Faith Hill.

This is helpful to me. I know squat about country music, but I recognize the names Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Faith Hill.

Almost works for me. I don't know anything about country music. Except I saw Taylor Swift perform on TV at some awards show and I was impressed by the music (lyrics were about refusing to get hit anymore) and her performance. Made me go so far as to think that her dating Taylor Lautner should be looked upon as the

Almost works for me. I don't know anything about country music. Except I saw Taylor Swift perform on TV at some awards show and I was impressed by the music (lyrics were about refusing to get hit anymore) and her performance. Made me go so far as to think that her dating Taylor Lautner should be looked upon as the

Early in the season I predicted Christine would make top three as part of a shameless Masterchef PR strategy, but top two?! I guess the producers cast Christine in the first place because they already picked her to win.

Early in the season I predicted Christine would make top three as part of a shameless Masterchef PR strategy, but top two?! I guess the producers cast Christine in the first place because they already picked her to win.

I've never watched any of the other Ramsay TV shows, but I heard of his reputation. So I was really surprised that Bastianich manages to be meaner than Ramsay. To me, Ramsay's just a foul-mouthed mentor with good intentions. Joe is downright cruel. And I think he's doing it on purpose to steal some of the limelight.

I've never watched any of the other Ramsay TV shows, but I heard of his reputation. So I was really surprised that Bastianich manages to be meaner than Ramsay. To me, Ramsay's just a foul-mouthed mentor with good intentions. Joe is downright cruel. And I think he's doing it on purpose to steal some of the limelight.

I don't think it's Bud. I think it's the casting of Ciaran Hinds. I've mentioned elsewhere, I love Ciaran Hinds, but a better actor would've been someone in the mold of Tom Berenger. Casting an American actor who's had a decades-long career and looked hot in their prime would've gone a long away in selling to the

I don't think it's Bud. I think it's the casting of Ciaran Hinds. I've mentioned elsewhere, I love Ciaran Hinds, but a better actor would've been someone in the mold of Tom Berenger. Casting an American actor who's had a decades-long career and looked hot in their prime would've gone a long away in selling to the

I'll venture a guess. I think it's a trifecta of fame, good looks and power. Chris Rock, in one of his comedy specials, said that being POTUS, you're so famous that someone could become famous just for giving you a BJ.

I'll venture a guess. I think it's a trifecta of fame, good looks and power. Chris Rock, in one of his comedy specials, said that being POTUS, you're so famous that someone could become famous just for giving you a BJ.

Anger is what I felt at the end of Fearful Symmetry. A flat out crazy person makes for a disappointing villain in a murder mystery story. And I also thought of never watching again, what a waste of my time, etc.

Anger is what I felt at the end of Fearful Symmetry. A flat out crazy person makes for a disappointing villain in a murder mystery story. And I also thought of never watching again, what a waste of my time, etc.

I love Ciaran Hinds particularly for his work in Persuasion and his appearances in political thrillers like Munich and The Debt. But he doesn't make me swoon here in Political Animals, which is what should be expected of Bud. Each episode I watch, I keep thinking that a better casting choice would've been Tom

I love Ciaran Hinds particularly for his work in Persuasion and his appearances in political thrillers like Munich and The Debt. But he doesn't make me swoon here in Political Animals, which is what should be expected of Bud. Each episode I watch, I keep thinking that a better casting choice would've been Tom

Danny Glover's character did have a name. It was Mel. I caught that right away because Shawn greets him with a big "MEL!" and the look on Danny Glover's face was like, "No, I'm not Mel Gibson, I played the OTHER guy."

The "Immaculate Conception" refers to Mary being conceived without Original Sin. It does not refer to a woman remaining a virgin after getting pregnant.