Youth Culture Forever

Muggle's wife: Adorable smile, short stature, amazing ability to act. I know what you are.
Muggle: Say it. Out loud.
Muggle's wife: Tatiana Maslany

Pennsatucky got a flashback last season. (Fool Me Once is the episode). Daya got one and Aleida was featured in the flashback but it didn't specifically focus on Aleida (The Chickening)

Simple answer? There really isn't a reason you should watch it. Like others have said they're only for people (like me) that have trouble getting passed certain spots in video games and a written walkthrough just isn't enough.

in Apartment 23

Bathsheba is horrified by the studios two-dimensional portrayal of her. Doesn't anybody want to know her story? How she feels?

Britta would probably find this movie to mainstream or something and watch (and fall in love with) some indie horror film. In Britta fashion said indie horror film would still be terrible though.

I don't find her sympathetic but I do find her tragic but only because I've been under the impression that her delusions are a product of some kind of mental disorder. If she got the help she needed I feel like she could be a productive member of society. Of course given that her family never took it seriously until

The Fault in Our Stars was a great movie.

Thank you! Your avatar is pretty damn awesome!

Well he didn't pull over White Cindy. (I wonder if there are any other Cindy's at Litchfield)

To be fair Nicky was incredibly shirked for her flashback episode. She didn't hardly feature in the episode at all and one of the flashback spaces was given to Piper. I'm pretty sure Nicky only got two flashbacks compared to the multiple most others seemed to got in there flashback episodes.

Even better was one of them (I don't remember which one) calling Bennett homophobic when he says he won't do it. Flaca and Maritza are the top two on my list of inmates who need flashbacks next season.

Did you miss the end of "You Also Have a Pizza?" (I'm hoping this doesn't sound rude, I'm just genuinely wondering)


I didn't know this was an acronym and thought you were supposed to be shouting this at us.

I haven't watched this season at all but seeing an F near what used to be one of my favorite shows almost physically hurt me.

Thanks Obama!

If you look on the nameplate-thing on the door when he was at rehab it showed his last names was Schmidt. For some reason that feels even more fitting.

Don't forget Bonnie is still running around recruiting other brood mares.

Her watching the videos last episode (In particular when she was smiling) is one of my favorite smaller moments from this show.