Youth Culture Forever

Zombie tries to bite her

Too tame.

To be fair it was kind of one of the points of the whole "Impossible Girl" storyline. The Doctor went on and on about his Impossible Girl and her specialness only to find out she was just ordinary girl who would do something extraordinary for him. But with all said and done Clara Oswald was and still is just an

Billie Piper was frequently fantastic even when the writing for Rose wasn't. Billie Piper as Cassandra is still my favorite performance from her even if it was purely comedic, however.

I haven't said this because it's really more of a personal thing but I honestly never really got why Rose was so special to him in the first place. I could just chalk this up to Ten being Ten but I guess I just never got why she was worth pining after but never any of the other companions :/ Again, might just be a

If there's one thing I'm glad about the Missy plotline, it's that it's such a small part of the episodes it really won't hurt the season if it turns out to have a crappy resolution.

I forgot there was a Sonic character named Amy Rose and I spent a good time wondering why Clara using hammerspace made you think of Amy Pond or Rose Tyler.

Martha had a lot of potential but a mixture of A). Ten never letting go of Rose and thus constantly bringing comparisons to her B). Martha being goo-goo eyes for Ten kind of brought her down. Its a shame because she's probably one of the smartest and most prepared of the companions so far. I think the whole "mourning

Tooth and Claw is where this was at there absolute worst and it's one of my least favorite episodes because of that.

Really? I kind of found them to be a one-dimensional villain myself.

According to sheet music a friend showed me, it also has a treble. Where do the lies stop Miss Trainor?


I was really into Yu-Gi-Oh when I was a kid. I always get a good laugh thinking about how unnecessarily dark the show was.

Aren't option B and 3 the same thing?

I want to believe.

If they don't hunt prostitutes then they'll overpopulate! Then where will we be?

Weird point to go on but I always knew Tig's name was Alex, but only because I'd looked it up at some point. Even funnier was that Opie's real name was Harry Winston.

And my family tries telling me small towns are safer than ghettos. Ha!

2 Zombie 2 Land

You can't tell me what's good! You're not the real Steven Keaton!