Youth Culture Forever

Compared to Alison/Tatiana, yes. In real life he'd be considered about average?

I hope they don't go the love triangle route lesser shows do.

I honestly think Cal is just a good guy who's good with computers and worried about his daughter/baby mama's safety.

I thought Cage-boy seemed contrasted enough from the short few seconds we met of him. He at least didn't make me think Oh it's Mark in a mohawk when I first saw him so that's progress I suppose.

I wonder what's going to happen with her next season. I guess Dyad/Rachel could discover what Donnie did to Leekie I supposeā€¦ Or Donnie and Alison can just swing through all the other storyline's cleaning up everyone else's mess.

I wouldn't be surprised if they got her back within the first two episodes next season like they did Kira this season.

I mean Cosima is already master of I've-got-a-terminal-respitory-illness-but-my-makeup-is-always-on-point.

*Puts pipe in mouth*
Do I look like I'm trying to be funny?

The first sentence sounds like some kind of Community erotic fan fiction.

I know, I just always like to imagine the clones lives as happier than they are. Think Orphan Black, the sitcom.

I don't think so. I'm trying to think of a behind-the scenes reason but I honestly can't come up with a scenario where Kira would have met Cosima.

While I liked Cosima and Delphine's breakup scene I actually wouldn't be to disappointed if they stayed single for awhile. In my opinion there relationship is pretty toxic, in spite of the actresses chemistry. Maybe Felix and Cosima could go gay-clubbing?

I'm now imagining a different version of Alison and the drug dealer in the season premiere, replacing Ramon with Jesse.

I think what makes Alison the best is that you would probably expected her to be more like Piper in the series. I could see her as someone running the place (Red) or at least someone to be feared (Miss Claudette).

Step 3: Profit!

Cosima made the first move before realizing Delphine wasn't gay at the time. It was later when Delphine told Leekie about it that she was told to go further. (I might be misremembering admittedly)

Are we gonna do this now or later? (Trick question: Its now)

I got Rachel O_O

What bothers me about this is that her parents give literally zero fucks that Helena almost killed her. Like I understand it's mostly her fault but still most (sane) parents would show some kind of empathy for someone who was almost murdered.

Tatiana Maslany as Sabretooth?