Youth Culture Forever

And how do they compare to Felix?

Jennifer's video from last episode probably summed up her feelings pretty well on the subject.

With Sarah just walking away from the car crash yesterday like nothing happend can we officially say it's a trait Sarah has too?

I really liked Rachel's reactions to seeing Daniel's body. For brief moments you could see the humanity in her, and the steps she takes to keep up her facade.

Again yes and no. They were both lying about who they were at the time and I'm almost positive Paul was reciprocating sex. Still weird though. (If we accept both scenes as consensual we also accept that Big Dick Paul is a bottom)

Yes and no? I think Paul wanted it on some level (he did start making advances before Rachel shot him down) but it's still weird. (I'm trying to word this without victim blaming? It's weird how different this question seems with the genders reversed)

Probably shagging someone in the closet. It's how he copes.

Rachel always needed some crazy in her life. But not like this.

Delphine surely has.

Did anyone else think this was Cosima's best episode since early season 1? I really hope we see more of sassy Cosima in the future.

Confessions: I still haven't seen Hannibal. I'm guessing it really is that good?

On the opposite side I'd love to see Helena try to impersonate any of the clones because she's such a terrible actress. As we saw last season she can't really keep her Helena-ness in check in disguise so it comes off as Helena in fancy clothes while badly trying to be someone else.

I think Rachel just needs a good development episode like Helena got with "Parts Developed in an Unusual Manner"


Apparently I'm thinking in terms of kid shows.

Maybe this time she actually will glue sequins to his chest!

Mr. Incredible: But I need the pants! They protect me from
Felix: Homosexuals?
Mr. Incredible: Do you always have to play that card?

This was an emotional episode. Between Felix leaving Alison and Sarah/Kira leaving Mrs. S this was probably one of the more emotional episodes of the show.

Now I'm imagining an Incredibles movie with Felix as Edna Mode.

God damn it Jerry/Gerry/Larry/Terry!