Cousin Oliver

Matthew Weiner seems to really hate the New Age movement. It's amusing.

Damn. Definitely would have gone if there were a live CBB like last year. Or live a UTU2TM. Or a live Hollywood Handbook, or what have you.

Xan is probably the show's weakest character, but she plays an important role in Kimmy's development. She's Kimmy's bitchy high school rival - something that Kimmy never had because her teen years were stolen from her. It's why Kimmy, who's ordinarily a very kind and empathetic person, can't wait to sink her teeth

To the real-life NYPD:

For what it's worth, Fox has completely fucked around with the broadcast order of BB this season. (And I believe they have in seasons past as well.) These episodes are being aired in a completely different order than the order in which they were produced.

Maybe AV Club doesn't consider filmed adaptations of chain emails as being genuine cinema.

The only way Atlas Shrugged could work cinematically is if it were made a satire.

Because that's totally what I'm saying.

Don't agree at all. Gone Girl is a brilliant adaptation of a mediocre book. Not Fincher's very best film, but perhaps one of the best examples of his incredible skill.

It really sucks that Winter's Tale, which is a phenomenal and beautifully written novel, is probably going to be overshadowed forever by its terrible film adaptation.

True Detective is considerably less than the sum of its parts.

Rectify is criminally low.

There was a situation in my hometown where a much beloved restaurant owner retired and sold his restaurant to someone he thought would do a great job, but ended up turning his life's work into total shit. He was so outraged that he exited retirement and reopened his original restaurant in another venue.

I hate Modern Family far more than I should due to its absurd Emmy streak. I've never found it to be a particularly exceptional show, but i didn't mind it winning that first year or two.

As Alasdair mentioned, cutaways aren't an inherently bad thing.

The kids crawling into bed with Linda was painfully adorable.

It's like this show gets off on being withholding.

I seem to recall reading somewhere that Lindeolf has said that it will indeed be explained.

Snide humor aside, I honestly don't see this as a very bingewatchable show. There's just not very much to grab on to from episode to episode.

You'd have to do a Clockwork Orange job on me to get me to bingewatch this show.