Cousin Oliver

Considering the Les Miz film failed to hit 70% on the Tomatometer, there were plenty of "complainers" at the time. It got awards attention, but it wasn't very good, and I recall plenty of discussion about how not very good it was at the time.

La La Land had such a cliched depiction of the trajectory of a Hollywood acting career - one that I'm thoroughly tired of seeing.

It was quite hard for me to get worked up over a film where the choice that served as the crux of the film - the choice between love and professional success - seemed like a bit of a false one. All things considered, it didn't seem like it would have been that incredibly difficult for the two leads to stick together.

So is the wet fart Dolores/William storyline specifically what sent the show into its production hiatus due to script issues? Because it really sticks out as the show's most boring and problematic plot line.

It's always really obnoxious when musical theater actors refuse to tone down the vibrato when doing more rock/pop-oriented musicals.

The onstage audience was a really bizarre choice. They were clearly supposed to appear to be Rydell High students, but they spent the whole time staring creepily at the primary cast from the background. It also created some really nonsensical stage setups. (Why are there two sets of bleachers right in front of the

I was bummed that the MAILER DAEMON episode didn't feature any of Dr. Conrad Murray's visit.

Also, that random insect (a grasshopper, I think?) in the audience who shouts, "OH MY GOD! IT'S DANIEL RADCLIFFE!" is clearly Alison Brie.

Not only did they get Naomi Watts - they got Naomi Watts to agree to have her animated doppleganger get fucked by a horse.

I'm seriously impressed with this season's guest voices.

I prefer 90s Princess Carolyn with the Rachel haircut.

Lisa Kudrow's voice work is one of the biggest highlights of the season for me. I love how effortlessly she switches from blissful naivety to okay-cut-the-bullshit.

I hope that conversation between Caliban and Vanessa (which seemed shockingly personal considering I don't recall them interacting all that much) was as final as it seemed. I've had more than enough of Undead Charlie Brown. Rory Kinnear's talents are better spent elsewhere.

Funny show, but kind of a dumb title.

I view Hannibal as existing in a hyper-violent alternate reality. It's a very slick, stylized show, and the shitload of serial killers is consistent with the show's universe.

I think MW is suggesting that the sort of spiritual fulfillment Don thinks he's found can be repackaged to sell brown sugar water to the masses.

Betty's awful brother is getting the kids, and Don is going along with it.

Don learns less from his mistakes than pretty much every other character on this show. He obstinately resists change in every aspect of his life. I can't buy Don as a redemptive character because I would have to assume that he's suddenly going to transform into a decent, responsible person who magically starts making

I don't buy that Weiner is showing Don as having created the Coke ad. I read it as Weiner mocking Don more than anything.

Don is heading down a path of self-indulgence, not renewal.