Cousin Oliver

Is there any conceivable way this show could go beyond two seasons without becoming completely unwatchable?

That whole storyline is a total disaster.

How in the everloving fuck does Kevin still have his job?

You're right - it's not the same show. But it's still every bit as good.

Of course not, but he's still a shitty, completely uncompelling lead character who Damon Lindelof hasn't bothered giving any truly interesting storylines in the entire first-half of the season.

This show seems completely uninterested in developing its ostensible lead character into anything beyond an incompetent, hotheaded fuckup.

But they repeatedly refer to it as a "dance." Not a festival or a party or a celebration. Just a dance. Only for adults. Held at a high school.

I'm surprised so many people hadn't assumed this already.

The problem is that Lindelof clearly thinks the Wayne storyline is inherently interesting and he can therefore withhold fundamental information from us without annoying or boring us.

What's so frustrating is that last week's episode clearly demonstrated a format that would work extremely well for this show.

Why is this dumb little town hosting a Christmas "dance" for adults?

Did you like Lost, but wished it had focused almost entirely on Jack and Kate?

Based on Rev. Matt's newsletter, apparently everyone who left on October 14.

I love how roughly a dozen of them broke into various houses around town and not a single one of them got caught.

The fundamental problem with this show is that it's centered on a family made up of the show's least interesting characters.

Erik, please elaborate on what you don't like about the Ted Jr. storyline. You've mentioned not caring for it a couple of times now but haven't really delved into it in your reviews. Overall I enjoy your reviews of Rectify but I'd definitely like a bit more explanation on this particular subject.

I'm in for next season, but the show's sloppy world building is really bothersome. It's one thing to bring a bunch of legendary monsters and supernatural beings together, but it's another thing to wrap them together with a mythos that makes any sort of sense. The show initially seemed interested in doing this, what

Well, it's your lucky day, since he's dead and all!

I really try not to get hung up on episode grades, but I can't figure out what more this show needs to do to get a A from Erik.

"Maybe we'll see her running a salon in a season or two."