Cousin Oliver

Even in dogshit like Dark Shadows she's awesome.

Frankenstein's creepy and somewhat homoerotic bonding with Proteus was far more interesting than Caliban's interminable droning on this week's ep. Considerable downgrade indeed.

Caliban, you suck.

I think Season 6 largely resolved any lingering internal conflict over Don's past. I don't think it will play much of a role in the show's endgame, and the first half of this season certainly seems to indicate as much.

That could very well be the case. Betty already got a taste of issue advocacy back in Season 3 with the reservoir, which she clearly enjoyed, so we know that that sort of thing clearly interests her.

Certainly you understand that there was a lot more to that line of dialogue than dumb little Bobby trading away her sandwich. It had far more to do with Sally than it did with Bobby. For whatever reason, Bobby's lunch trading just provided her with an unusual moment of clarity and self-reflection.

One of the best things about this season so far has been the meticulous groundwork that's being laid for these characters' futures beyond the show's conclusion.

I think the "Then why do they hate me?" scene illustrates Betty's partial admission of her shortcomings as a parent. Certainly she blames her kids for their dysfunctional relationships as much as, if not more than, herself, but I think that scene showed that Betty is aware that she's really struggling as a parent. She

Yeah, hooray that one of the greatest television shows ever made is ending. Woo hoo.

Stupid season splits notwithstanding, I do like that AMC airs their episode blocks without gap weeks. Seven episodes, seven straight Sundays. I hate that HBO is taking the weekend off, especially with only one episode of Silicon Valley left.

Ratings Boosterman

Probably because she's doing the second season of Fargo instead.

I'd love to know how much that Burger Chef set cost. It looked very impressive, and it couldn't have been cheap to build.

Selina will always be secondary to these people's true ambitions, no matter how good they are at pretending otherwise.

Thanks for reminding me how fucking terrible the second season of Girls was. I love how the show randomly made Charlie a developer. Because reasons.

I have a feeling Dan will be able to grovel and/or blackmail his way back to Selina's team, though in a significantly diminished capacity.

I was mildly bummed we didn't get to see Jonah getting stood up by Sexy Mary Poppins.

Amy and Dan are the two most ruthless characters on this show, and they loathe each other. They'd strangle puppies (Dan especially, as we've discovered) to get the other one fired.

I get that Helena is the loosest of loose cannons, but I do hope the show eventually reins her in a bit. Sometimes I feel they use her as a crutch when they need to inject suspense into an episode, and it's starting to wear a bit thin, to put it mildly.

I kind of hope that ends up being the case, because I don't necessarily like the idea of Felix being a part of Leda. That said, I do suspect there's a lot more to Felix than what meets the eye, and Jordan Gavaris and Tatiana Maslany look enough alike that I could buy them as blood relatives of some sort.