Cousin Oliver

Tywin would never resort to kinslaying under any circumstance. As perverse as his moral code may be, he would never kill a member of his own family.

I haven't really been following the general thoughts of non-readers on Dany. Are any of them getting tired of her dicking around in Slaver's Bay yet? If they haven't yet, I'm guessing they will after she spends 2+ seasons in Meereen.

Yup, this is a concern of mine as well. It's going to be harder to accept Tommen as his mother's unwavering pawn when he's a teenager who has presumably developed pretty good judgment by this point.

Methinks Tommy Carcetti should go back to politics. This whole acting thing doesn't seem to be be working out too well for him.

Don't hate. I'm just a little kid.

She's going to be Chung's V.P.

One of my favorite moments (out of the roughly 10,000 amazing moments in this episode): Selena's "taking a shit in your car" analogy, which Dan brought up at the end of the episode, causing Selena to give him a disgusted what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you look because she had completely forgotten ever saying it.


I'd like to thank the stupid fucks at TV Guide for spoiling the Helena reveal before I watched the episode (I'm a cord cutter and the episode didn't arrive on Google Play until this morning) by putting the spoiler in the title of their recap article, and then putting it in one of those sponsored link sidebars on an

"You know nothin', Jon Snow. I'll never be a secretary." (sobs)

I remember seeing an insane amount of vitriol targeted at Lena Headey for her performance as Cersei during the first season. I staunchly defended her at the time, saying that such condemnation was premature given Cersei's relatively limited role in the early part of the series. (Also, there seemed to be a sizable

Link's Awakening came with my brand new Game Boy. As an eight-year-old who had previously thought that video games could be little more than Tetris or Super Mario Bros., narratively speaking, this game blew my mind.

Mad Men isn't a white-knuckle Sunday night thriller or fantasy epic that you'll be talking about with Dave and Julie in the break room on Monday morning. Its style and pace don't really demand that sort of immediate viewing.

It's such a relief when a show gets to the point where this shit doesn't matter.

"If men got pregnant you could get an abortion at the ATM."

As a diehard Cleveland sports fan, I was hoping that "Draft Day" would provide a second classic sports film to our city's name, along with the timeless "Major League." But it seems pretty clear at this point that "Draft Day" is little more than a cynical, corporate vanity piece by the NFL. Fuck you, Goodell.

Almost any other show would have followed up that setup with an offensive and unfunny trans joke, but Bob's Burgers turned it into a very sweet and thoughtful gesture from Bob.

This is so sexy that it makes me want to go home and get teen pregnant.

It's a shame more institutions aren't as open to fictional portrayals of themselves as the Baltimore Sun was in the final season of The Wire. Even though the Sun storyline was the clunkiest, the most disjointed, and by far the worst of the series' season-long themed arcs, I still admired the paper for allowing itself

Stupid, stupid, stupid.