Cousin Oliver


I absolutely adore Drive, but I completely understand why it wasn't a box office smash. I'm not sure why anyone would have expected it to be one.

Jimmy Pesto, is that you?

"We need our sleep. We're so little."

Disney's Nymphomaniac, directed by Don Dimello.

Julie & Julia is such a frustrating film. The Julia sequences are a wonderful, loving tribute to Child, while the Julie sequences are borderline unwatchable. It could have been a terrific biopic if half the movie weren't devoted to a thoroughly unlikable shrew like Julie Powell.

Agreed. I, for one, would not be surprised if the show's popularity drops off substantiality in Seasons 5 and beyond. AFFC and ADWD are a pretty dramatic shift in tone and pacing.

My bad. I completely missed the timestamp on that blog post. I figured it was recent.

But honestly, I found both A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons pretty light on actual substance, despite their length. I think both books could probably be condensed into a single television season, if Dan and Dave really wanted to do it. But GRRM's book issues almost certainly mean they'll make it into two, or

Perhaps I'm just speaking for myself. I remember being an impatient tween and enduring the agonizing (for an impatient tween) wait for the fifth Harry Potter book, and ever since then, long waits for books haven't really bothered me. It's the book/show collision that's pissing me off.

Gaiman makes some fair points, but I think he misses the larger one. Fans aren't pissed about GRRM's glacial writing pace. Series veterans are used to it by now. Fans are pissed because he signed the TV rights away with the book series barely half-finished, resulting in this inevitable predicament.

Season 6: The Real Houseslaves of Meereen

Microsoft's product placement has been driving me nuts lately. (See the abundance of Windows phones in Parks and Rec this season.)

My guess is Linda's family is either Italian or Jewish, or perhaps a combination of the two. Gayle wore her shrimp dress to Mass, so I'm assuming Linda grew up Catholic. Just for shits and giggles, I'm going to hypothesize that Linda's mother is Italian and her dad is Jewish and took his wife's religion. Yep, that's

I was kinda surprised that Tammy managed to hold in her oft-inopportune farts for the duration of her bat mitzvah. But maybe she let off a few while trapped inside the Tammy head. In which case, poor Louise.

The biggest reason this product placement bothered me was that Veronica and pretty much all of her circle were firmly on Team Apple in the series. The idea of every single person in the VM universe switching over to Samsung in the subsequent seven years strikes me as unlikely.

Veronica Mars? More like Veronica Galaxy Tab by Samsung.

This column reads like Wikipedia vandalism that the editors haven't gotten around to fixing yet.

Fuck all y'alls. I hope George R.R. Martin buys a dozen more theaters and painstakingly restores all of them before finishing The Winds of Winter.

Is Irrational so reliant on Ken Levine that they had to shut down the entire studio just so Levine could pursue other creative endeavors?