Cousin Oliver

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who has noticed Megan's obsession with spaghetti.

Absolutely. With a few tweaks, Season 3's finale would have been a perfect ending for the show, wrapping it up with the same sweet and hopeful yet slightly bittersweet note that the British original left on.

The poor quality of later seasons dilutes the overall quality of the series. I'd probably put Seasons 2 and 3 of The Office above any season of Parks and Recreation (though only a hair above P&R's phenomenal third season), but P&R will (and should) go down as the better show because it has maintained a higher level of

Had this show ended with the Season 3 finale, it would gone down as one of the all-time greats.

This show is phenomenal.

Charlie is certainly brown, but only by this show's standards.

"…but it’s hard to complain…"
C'mon, Todd. When have you ever had a hard time complaining about something?

Apparently that dragon is only flying about three feet in front of the light source.

I hate to compare apples to stupid, implausible oranges, but Todd, do you really think the first season of House of Cards is worse than the absolutely horrendous second season of Homeland? Based on the grades you assigned to both shows (as well as the actual content of your reviews), I'm guessing the answer is yes,

I look forward to AV Club's review of the Season 1 finale this Thanksgiving.

It's pretty obvious that Todd doesn't actually know what "gay panic" means.

I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead.

"He has a wonderful knack for leaving shows right before they get shitty."

"He has a wonderful knack for leaving shows right before they get shitty."

Just stop defending this shit, Todd.

Just stop defending this shit, Todd.



I think it's safe to say that all chiseled, up-and-coming Hollywood heartthrobs look to Bob Hoskins for inspiration.

I think it's safe to say that all chiseled, up-and-coming Hollywood heartthrobs look to Bob Hoskins for inspiration.