
True, but is everything the Darkhold makes evil, or does it only do evil to the people who use it? For example, the Darkhold seems to have improved virtual Ward's life…at least in some ways. And Tripp gets to live again. When things are crappy for the virtual people inside the framework, is it merely a side effect of

Yeah, but it also brought her back with all of her makeup intact. So I assume it is just a plot convenience and we aren't meant to overthink it.

I don't know, but I hope he is faking it. I don't buy New Blaine.

I think the fact that Blaine doesn't have more remorse shows that, even if we assume that he really has lost his memories, he's still not a good person. Maybe he's not an actively evil, murderous person, but he's still not the kind of person who gets wracked with guilt over discovering he's a murderer. Whether or not

The music was awesome but nothing can top Major's teenage girl brains for me.

She did feel more like Clive's side-kick in the case of the week, which is a shame.

Plus Peyton's plot this season seems to be pointing out why Ravi is a jerk and Blaine is awesome and then trying to fuck Blaine. Why is this a plot anyone wants to see? Unless you have a lady boner for bad boys and the idea that all so-called nice guys are just waiting to be lame and whiny jerks so your bad boy lust

It would be nice though, if they simply wrote Ravi as a human being, and not a 'nerd sidekick'. Some of us think nerds can be great people in their own right.

I feel like they're intentionally making him worse to make Blaine look better. I mean, I hope they're not doing that, but the writing around Blaine and Ravi has been decidedly odd this season. Major and Clive seem normal (and awesome) and Liv seems normal *except* for the part that she is totally fine with Blaine now.

So I'm NOT the only one who notices those things and gets driven nuts by them! YES! Well, you didn't say they drive you nuts so maybe you don't share my pain but at least you *notice*.

Honestly it comes off like…I don't know how to say it, maybe a wish-fulfillment fantasy around redeeming hot bad boys with a romantic relationship? Like someone is just writing their personal tastes with this story line. Thankfully it's not in the realm of 50 Shades or Twilight but it strikes me as coming from the

I thought it was a nice play on the hyper-dramatic scream that seems mandatory upon discovering a body.

She also is mad at Ravi for being upset she slept with Blaine when she did not think they were together, so naturally she gets super pissed when Ravi sleeps with someone else when he did not think they were together. There is the bit about not being there after the kidnapping, which is fair, but it seems like the

That would be a smart use of it I think, and then she can escape to Zombie Island, if only Major tells her about it. I don't think the Filmore Graves lady would have much patience with a kidnapper/pimp even if he is also a zombie, I think she wants to be the zombie boss and would view him as competition to eliminate,

Yeah that seemed like an odd time not to mention actually he works on a private island full of zombie mercenaries, which would seem like the safest place Natalie could be.

I wonder if it's going to turn out they're actually talking about zombies.

I liked the brain sticking, too. Little imperfections like that make moments seem more life-like.

I think the writers have decided they like Blaine, so now murder just isn't a thing characters are expected to remember or care about, unless of course they're being jealous douchebags, so that meanly harping on 'oh, but what about all the innocent children he murdered' seems petty, so thus really underscoring how no

Yeah, it seems like the writers decided they wanted to write Blaine and Peyton as a couple, therefore, they needed to write Ravi being an ass in some way to justify Peyton moving over to Blaine. That just….sucks so much as writing. Writing has really been one of this show's strengths, but this is the dreaded writing

Yes, Blaine's character change reminds me of what happened on Buffy to Spike's character. They want a reason for Blaine to be part of the gang, so they have to shoehorn in a character change and make everyone accept it easily.