
Honestly it reminds me of what happened on Buffy with Spike.

My worst fear as I watched this episode was that they were setting up all the Ravi stuff to drive Payton into Blaine's arms because the writers wanted them to be a couple and needed a reason for it to happen. I hope that's not the case, though.

I've recommended it to my friends who have all been 'meh' to the point of not watching it, and I have refrained from being pushy because nothing makes people want to watch things less. But somehow I couldn't convince them that a zombie crime solving show was also funny, I swear, and totally not grimdark. The only one

They may have thought she wasn't being literal, she just meant the world as portrayed by Hydra's propaganda wasn't real. They're probably used to 'mind control soap' type conspiracy theorists so while it was a bit odd it seemed more like they were deliberately ignoring asking her more kind of like Daisy didn't want to

I can't remember the exact phrasing but Liv's 'Young man, in this house we eat WHOLE brains and we solve MURDERS,' is going down as an all-time iZombie favorite.

I don't think they're actually that dumb, I think they want to kill it because the fossil fuel industry and those who would benefit from unregulated carbon emissions are willing to offer big $$$ to their campaigns for taking the positions that they do.

Yeah, really the only way to fix it is if Maeve is wrong and they are actually hosts, specially programmed to help her escape.

For what it's worth, I wasn't. But then, my parents weren't into violent/scary stuff, so it may have been easier for them to restrict stuff in the house to age appropriate stuff.

I have to admit I'm disappointed we won't get a continuing Delores/William love story. I wanted there to be more humanity left in the MiB.

Maeve is the only who has the combination, so she could be programmed not to give it to anyone.

Or, that was all a made-up lie, because he thinks the park workers are monitoring him closely enough to be recording his speech. Remember when a special effects request has to go through for him to blow a lock open with an explosive? He didn't call that in, they were monitoring him. Maybe his wife killed herself

I noticed that, and then figured they probably couldn't find any guys with Wright's actual physique and color to butt-double by the time they had to shoot.

Maybe, unless Ford is molding her into his new villain.

Bernard also says he is starting to feel like he understands the hosts better than the humans? I can't remember the exact phrase, but it seemed to echo something Ford said about Arnold.

I think Dolores and Maeve both had some kind of very deeply hidden old program of Arnold's triggered when they heard the phrase 'these violent delights shall have violent ends'. They both seemed to change after hearing that phrase. I'm guessing Arnold did go a bit nuts, and tried to program in a 'rise up and gain


Eh, I don't know. They're wildly different on the surface, but if you look deeper they do have some similar personality traits.

The Palins are jealous of your mad naming skills. Tarpaulin or Tarpaulina will no doubt be the name of Bristol's next child.

The pastor has been around since Alison's intervention in S1 though, right? So if he were up to something it's been going on a super long time.

The commoners around King's Landing do, but they have more exposure to her, and of the events which actually happened. For all we know, someone in the pro-Lannister camp has been paying playwrights to put on pro-Cersei/Joffrey plays. Early advertising.