
Well, yes and no. The physical scene and tone are different, but when Alison has had problems in the past she hits the booze and drugs too, just in the most soccer mom way possible. And while she's not out screwing people she does get aggressive with Donnie and take out her anger unfairly on him and shut him out

Felix knows his drama.

Ok, then what about the teenage children who actually do get shot by police? 13 year old Andy Lopez was shot seven times because he had a realistic toy gun a police officer saw. They do what they're going to do. They don't wait to raid places till they think kids aren't there. Pretty sure I could google up various

It was ice cold but Sarah did get the ball rolling on her mom being killed. That's tough to forgive, and frustrating. S would have killed her own mom to protect Sarah probably, but Sarah just selfishly doing everything for herself and cutting S out of the loop, that's pretty cutting too.

Yes. Are you kidding? Yes. Many years ago my sister was having a slumber party. I don't remember her exact age but it was grade school. All the girls were sleeping outside on the lawn, in a tent. A horrible bitchy neighbor who lived down the lane (because this was in the country, not a dense neighborhood) called the

But that was his followers doing that, I thought. I didn't think it was instigated directly by him, just in the sense that he wanted the brothel shut down and he didn't condemn their actions. I mean, he focuses on the shame walk for Cersei and Margaery not Loras and Jaime.

I loved how you might expect the two of them not to get along, but actually they bonded fairly quickly and Alison is now nicer to him than Sarah is, and he is nicer to her than he is to Sarah at this point.

Well, nurture does have something of a role to play in the development of intelligence, but she could have also had a difficult birth and had oxygen cut off for a while. They do play her a bit for laughs, but I can see her being raised by a very low intelligence but highly good looking mother.

Eh, he might not be a douche, but he's a creator-fucker. And he gives off a super creepy vibe.

I was waiting for Art to say 'why the hell are you dressed like Sherlock Holmes?'

Cosima doesn't think like a spy for the most part. She did go into spy mode when she nabbed the worm, and has at other times, but it seems to be instigated by a specific situation, she doesn't have the constant hypervigilance and background paranoia that most of the other clones have, barring Krystal.

Yeah, I thought that made him an even bigger asshole.

He did a brief guest spot though when he was still shooting iZombie, that's why Dr. Whale suddenly had bleached hair, a wig would have looked weird and they probably didn't want to dye it dark and the re-bleach it to avoid scalp burn and hair damage. So, it seems like he might be willing to do some appearances if they

The hug made me cringe, so bad. I guess no one told him she murdered his mom.

I don't know why people don't understand this. It happens way more frequently to female characters, but when you write a character as 'main character's love interest' the character almost always has little agency and is always reacting to the main character and is more boring. Hook's storyline has showed that the same

Somehow, OUAT manages to get MUCH better actors than writers…it always amazes me that they can keep getting talanted actors to come on to guest for an arc. Either they're throwing ridiculous money at them or theor agents lie to them and they never watch the show. I have faith in Witwer's ability to deal with the camp,

He also enjoys sexually humiliating woman. How many men have had to do walks of shame?

Why? Because it's fucking MAGIC. They don't know about the frost zombies, or red priests bringing people back. They've lived for generations in a world with no magic, only stories of it. Then this lady comes along, and not only does she resurrect dragons, she is magic. They don't know where it ends, they don't know

She could have had character development without being raped. Plenty of people get raped and just get ptsd, not an instant badass card.

She grasped the burning hot metal and wasn't burned. They were freaked out by her magic, and then the fire. It's not what they are used to fighting.