
The X-Files dialog was the absolute worst for bizzare, idiosyncratic same-yness. It took me out of scenes even more than the aliens and monster of the week crap. 'Really, in this world everyone has the same syntax and they ALL talk like that???'

That's not at all what she said. She said she had an easier time bonding with her older kids because her babies didn't have developed personalities yet. She got torn to shreds in the media for it, but honestly I feel the same way. I like older kids better than younger ones and have never liked babies at all. I don't

I don't know, but in real life when people riot they burn/vandalize their own neighborhoods instead of marching to where the rich people live to torch their stuff. However in this case, they seemed to start with the science trailer.

My read on that was that he finds men more threatening in general so he likes having women around that he can play the wise old patriarch to.

The fact that he chooses so many women in and of itself is a little weird, maybe he finds them less threatening and thinks they are easier to control? Certainly he seems to have a rather paternalistic and controlling attitude towards them, even as he seems to view himself as indulging them.

You know, at the dinner I felt Cosima was the most Sarah like she had even been, because she was so…reflexively aggressive and on the attack without stopping to think that she was outmatched or that what she was doing was terribly stupid. It was bull-headed, stubborn and short sighted and we haven't seen that as much

Apparently the favorite tv trope that smart people's brains are so full of smartness they can't contain common sense transcends race.

Well, at the time Sarah made up with Helena she was worried about Helena killing her. So, I think she was just pretending to be fine with Helena for a while, trying to get Helena on her side by emotionally manipulating her, but then once she got to know her it morphed into genuine acceptance and water under the bridge

I think less Shirtless Paul is Best Shirtless Paul. By all accounts, the actor is a really nice guy so I feel kinda guilty for thinking it, but he never fit into the show very well.

Those things still exist?? I thought they would have died out by now.

I'm actually kind of shocked no one is else was bothered by my biggest peeve (besides a certain TERRIBLE mustache). I found it completely pointless and stupid to make ZEUS the creator of Paradise Island instead of Aphrodite. I realize that might be coming over from the comics that Zeus is Diana's dad but it is stupid

Palicki did very well as Bobbi Morse on Agents of SHIELD, so yeah, I am inclined not to blame her for any of that. She has shown she can do action.

What I heard is that he was upset she didn't tell him or anyone else on the show she was pregnant till she was already at the point of showing, thus robbing them of the time to try to figure out how to write it into the show in a way that wasn't total garbage, plus having to toss out a bunch of stuff they had already

And no other lesbian/bi/gay characters are shown going evil, and we do see those other characters. In fact, the one guy who used to pick on Xander became less of an ass after he came out of the closet.

Buffy also ends up losing her mother and has a difficult time with that. It's part of the theme of growing up, so naturally Buffy struggles as she tries to learn how to do things by herself, without parental figures telling her what to do….Like people do, as they grow up.

Oh I was rolling my eyes SO hard when I saw that. Really, you can't slap a fake beard on him, COME ON! But no, that was just TOO much effort and thought to put into costuming, after all the other stuff they did, they were all the way out of effort by the time that scene was filmed.

The thing about Thor and Peter Parker though, is that their love interests don't typically die in the first movie, and Peter sometimes has known his love interest for a while before the movie starts. If Steve Trevor had been slated to die three movies in it would have made sense to focus more on other relationships,

Every able bodied woman in Isreal is, past a certain age. Military service is mandatory for all men and women capable of it once they reach a certain age.

I'm wondering if the dog will somehow be the dog on the airplane.

I thought it was super weird too. Like some last minute editing decision was made….and they decided to cut out all the parts that made it make sense.