
Some of the bad guy inhumans did. But they're not the protagonists. Daisy is not Quake. The only Secret Warrior who has a name is 'Yo-Yo' but that name is so stupid they might as well call her 'Cross Lady' or 'Really Fast Lady'. Or other random y-names, Yogurt Cup, Your Mama. Yo-Yo is bad. And we've barely seen her.

And he could, in theory, propose marriage to Sansa once Ramsay is dead.

I think we might see him asking to marry Sansa once she is made a widow in exchange for the military support of the vale soldiers, so that he will be lord of Winterfell in addition to his other lands, and then Robin can have an unfortunate accident. Or perhaps angling for it after the fact. I imagine he is assuming

Plus, then doesn't he just eat a piece of the peel? I mean I know he's mentally disturbed but who does that?

What was torturing me was that the apple was clearly a waxed, modern looking apple they bought at a store…GRRM has infected my soul because I was far too bothered by this food detail gone wrong. You know he would have been all over fruit authenticity. There would have been at least a page devoted to that apple, its

And why was the apple waxed? Was there no nearby farmer's market to get a ye olde straight off the tree apple from? I….I….really hate that I notice these things.

She wouldn't kill him, she'd just knock him out. He might be useful, later. Of course, this is probably considered flirting among wildlings, so it may not have the effect she wants.

What has happened before will happen again.

That's why they're actually going to call it M.A.S.H.E.D….the e d stands for erectile dysfunction. Truly, a war we will always be fighting.

Well, they don't use superhero names or have distinctive costumes, so I think that factors in. We call Bobbi Mockingbird, but in show she isn't called that, and while she has her batons, she has no special Mockingbird outfit.

Well, and I think that influences both of their positions. Steve thinks other people can control themselves and make good decisions because he can. Tony doesn't think they can, because he can't.

I think other people have covered most of my thoughts about this episode except one: If we ever finally get that Bobby/Hunter show, I REALLY hope they find a way to add James in some capacity, because I want to see him and Hunter sassing each other. I think those two actors would have good chemistry together.

Maybe he's not actually dead? I'm hoping it's a fakeout, and he regenerates from it and pops up some time in the finale.

Mack needs to get a helmet. If someone asks him what it is for he can say, 'oh, you'll see soon enough.'

It made it a really big let down. And as the reviewer noted, kinda anticlimactic action wise. It felt like a big waste of Lash.

Technically, HBO is made for tv, but they feel like they belong in a cheesy, made for tv movie from the 90s. With more boobs, I guess.

Oh my god. They probably showed her video of the other girl doing the 'you want the bad poozy' line and were like, do it more like that, please. It's the only explanation I can think of.

And not only a misreading, I think they actually hated Stannis. That was all I could conclude judging by the way they reworked his charcter and storylines.

Yes, let's make them wait for months, hoping against hope we have realized the error of our ways, and then let us dash those hopes like an infant's brain against the rocks. Oh I'm sorry audience, did you actually think we would use this interesting and well liked actor to FIX our shitshow of a storyline via acting?

It was delivered in a different accent, too. Really bad.