
I dunno, I think it is a lot more in line with what we know about all of the Ledas that Beth killed herself to try and protect the others, instead of killing herself because she was sad about Paul. That would have been disappointing. Instead, what it seemed like to me, was that she killed herself to prevent the people

Mika can also be a female name in several more cultures, all coming from different origins, just with the same sound. It is also used as a female name in eastern europe and russia, by jewish people from hebrew, and by some native americans meaning 'little racoon'. It is also used as a diminutive of Michaela in western

Seeing how Paul interacted with Beth made me hate him even more. You don't treat a girl like that and then try and get with her sister after she commits suicide, that's just…gross.

Well, Major was on cold-blooded killer brains, so it's not that surprising. He hasn't had a long time to deal with how brains effect him. In the moment it probably felt like a natural action, but I doubt he would have done that without that brain.

Red Skull was less tacky.

Ah, but Joey does have the ability to turn anything metal into a dildo. Which Daisy can then vibrate. So clearly, the best sexy situation here is Daisy and Joey double teaming a bisexual man.

I was wondering if they would head towards a Mac/Yo-Yo ship, though I noted she looked a bit older than him. 'Well, AOS has actually done an older woman pairing before' I said to myself. Of course, when I looked up her age after reading this thread, she's 34, 11 years younger than him. Maybe they should make Mac 35 in

Obviously Marvel is just terrible to black male characters. I mean, if there is one thing the 1940s were known for, it had to be their excellent treatment of black men. And yet this show portrays him kissing Peggy, and she doesn't instantly propose to him??? And one person seems to slightly disagree with interracial

Especially as she had JUST been chewing people out over doing what she then went and proceeded to do, acting based on emotions, possibly putting many more people in danger in the process.

Yeah, as much as I know Peggy cares about people, Thompson was doing what Peggy had been admonishing others to do earlier, think of the mission first, sometimes being willing to sacriface an individual to save many. He made what was probably the right call, though whether or not the show will treat it that way, I

Hey, given the time period, she could have had him when she was 15 or 16.

I don't think the show would do that, people would miss David Ander's voice too much.

And all the other zombies, except Liv. He may be biding his time while Major ices the other zombies.

I like Peyton's character outside of her interactions with Ravi. He really is the best, but she doesn't treat him like it, and if I were friends with both of them, it would be hard for me not to get annoyed with her. Despite how Ravi took it, I can totally see why Liv was trying to warn him off her, he's the one a

Yeah, I thought Blaine mentioned he (Blaine's father) cut her fingers off when he was torturing her (or having her tortured) and since she obviously still has them, I assumed she was a zombie and had had them reattached. But obviously I don't remember this too clearly.

And she was legitimately getting screwed over. The boss' s daughter was using her as a scapegoat, stealing money from the register on Pam's shifts. So, in that instance, her feeling of persecution was founded.

Did she understand English, too? To me, her clearly understanding English but speaking only Italian is true to that generation of nonas.

Let's not forget, the whole reason WHY those are cliffhangers, is the presumption that the audience cares about the character and would be sad if they were dead. I can't quite remember, but we've had Skye/Daisy and Ward getting shot, but I can't remember if those were cliffhangers to the next episode. Though really

You know, I could handle a Mockingbird spinoff JUST about Bobby, but if Hunter is there, I'm out. Hunter/Bobby shit is my least favorite part of MCU, I can't express how much I don't ship them or give a shit about their current feelings towards each other.

Sousa got beat up last week. They hate handicapped people as well. Or maybe it's just the Portuguese.