
See, he at least seemed likable to me whereas she just seemed grating. And not half as professional as she thought she was.

I know it's shallow but I keep staring at them. I find them very distracting, like the mole scene in Austin Powers, except I don't know what they are called. Are those warts?

I think they are avoiding it but the longer the series goes on the weirder that gets.

Grimm: where even faithful viewers can't remember what the fuck happened or why more than 5 episodes back. Seriously, it's harder to keep up with the political plotting on Grimm than it is for Game of Thrones.

Well, he's not using a modern crutch. Notice, the crutch is on his GOOD side instead of the bad one like we do today. His crutch also looks like the ones people with polio used. At that time crutches for long term use would have been mostly geared toward polio sufferers, who had issues with paralysis rather than

I felt the same, and wished they had some how made her backstory that she was a Dutch jew that had moved to where ever in Europe she ended meeting Jarvis because then she could use a Dutch accent and it would be less weird sounding to me.

It is, but prosthetic limbs of that era were not very advanced to put it mildly. I suppose they could at some point AU that and have Howard Stark build him a better foot, but otherwise it would be accurate he couldn't put much weight on it or have the level of mobility a modern person missing a foot with good access

I was very suspicious of that clown being a spy. I mean the makeup is hiding his face!

Because modern audiences don't want a show that was historically accurate to the social mores of the 40's. People complaining about how they were over the top with the sexism really brought that home to me. It's like they can't actually believe history was the way it was, or don't want to or something.

They got so many people complaining last season though about the sexism ruining their fun-pretendy times that I think they dialed the racism way, way down from what people in the 1940-s actually experienced. Their ratings aren't good enough they can afford to alienate viewers to make a point, and people were also

It seems like it would be kind of a waste to move the whole show to LA/Hollywood and then write Angie out when there is a super obvious, easy reason to have her go west with Peggy.

I like to think that when he gets in that armoire, he's not going into a coffin. He's going to fucking Narnia inside that thing.

They do seem WAY too related. I'm waiting for the reveal Trubel is actually a cousin. If you think about it, it's odd that Nick's mom had so many siblings, but Nick has never tried to contact any of them to find out more about grimms.

I liked the fact the name alone indicated the group was probably started in Europe, a nice nod to recalling wesen live in other places besides Portland.

Even as a hexenbeist I thought hey, maybe she'll decide to use her powers to go to a wesen medical school and become some kind of super magic wesen doctor, but nooope. Grimm just hates Dr. Juliette. I'm surprised it's never been a direction they decided to go to I tegrate her into the plot.

I'm uniformly against magical children, unless, like in Harry Potter, they are part of a magical society where their peers have the same powers. Otherwise, I can't think of a single instance where I liked a magical child/aged up magical child character.

Not only that, but it makes it seem like the royals had a reason to set the grimms on the wesen. If wesen are committing most of the murders, and are starting most of the riots, the royals might have thought it was sensible to protect the larger human population and stability of their countries.

They're 'natural enemies' because grimms and hexen/zauberbeists are 'natural enemies'. That's been covered extensively in the show. Also, all the shady stuff Renard did, he did while he was being a double agent to get the keys away from the royals. He was acting.

I didn't think I would feel this way, but I am. Mostly because I've hated watching Nick and Adalind play house so much, and I was dreading an aged up magical baby Diana ala Lexi on Falling Skies….and pretty much every other aged up magical baby….even those aged normally but then dropped in magically via portal/time

I think the other characters talking about how great Fred was greatly contributed to people finding her annoying. Amy Acker did a good job with what she was given, but there was this push to force her character into being a manic pixie dream girl or something. Plus at times it felt awkwardly like one of the writwrs