
But if they swap, who will Joey have a romance with? We all know he's not up to Mack's standards……Mack is holding out for Fitz.

EXACTLY. Both the Captain and Wu know about the situation, so there is zero in-world reason not to do this.

Not being an idiot or a person who assumes others are? Or they could go the Dirk Gently route and explain the story to an 8 year old and let them point out the obvious logical problems with it.

No, I don't think they have, but it would be nice.

It's certainly far too much to ask to have her in an office scene once per season.

He has so many dropped plots I doubt I can remember all of them and I actually like the character.

My theory is Hank falls in love really quickly and is hopelessly attracted to the crazy…but he thinks he can 'save' them. But that is just a wild guess! Because I have no evidence about anything to go on! Of course what we also don't hear is why he has slowed down so much. He did have a crush on his physical

No, actually I didn't, but now that you mention it I think I recall it. Good memory.

Hey, she was still snarky the last time she lost her powers! So it must be the potion. Or the writers.

It's like they don't understand that the writing was an issue for Juliette, they just figured people liked Claire better than Bitsie, so they decided to slot Adalind into Juliette's place and give her all that great supportive woman writing they thought they were giving Juliette. This is total assassination of

If they can't do it themselves, they should really hire a person to point out plot holes and things that make no sense to them.

I thought it would have made more sense for the killer to have been the gay guy's mother, trying to help him get married because she doesn't know he's gay, she just notices he never has any girl friends. Or maybe she knows, but she doesn't care and wants him to stay in the closet and have kids anyway, and hopes to

Okay, but then in the other direction, Adalind lost her powers before and was still doing evil, and willing to sell her baby to the highest bidder to get them back. If the premise is that powers = evil and Adalind is good with out them, we've already had months of her doing the exact opposite. Plus, the show goes out

They're wasting the Captain who has always been a character with a TON of stuff you'd think could be explored, you know he has an interesting back story and complex motivations and emotions, and while we're at it they could flesh out Hank some more. Then there's still Wu and Trubel.

They even gave her a chance to have a job, but Nick puts a wet blanket on the idea and she's like 'yeah, I know, right? Why would I need to go to work? Like, ever! Even though I am obviously super uncomfortable with all this, I should stay at home and have no money. Even though as a lawyer I would make more than you

Watching Adalind and Nick play house feels like I'm watching someone's ooc shipper fanfic being aired on television. Which is super weird when it IS the actual show. I don't know if the writers changed or if one writer is now handling this subplot but wtf.

It also forgets the part where Elizabeth and Henrietta aren't evil.

I agree, I think it would be a mistake to kill off Trubel. I would have MUCH rather have had a Trubel subplot than a baby barf one.

That's just asking for a place to be called El Towno.

The problem was they wrote her as Nick's Girlfriend and used her as a plot device to manipulate Nick's feelings, instead of giving her her own character. As such, her character was totally inconsistent because her reactions were always different based on how they wanted Nick to feel.