
Well, Sean's mother went ahead and gave birth to him even though that meant her life was put in danger and she would have to spend years on the run. And when he was dying she did come back and stop time to save him. She didn't seem too cold with him. Besides, look how much Nick has changed since the pilot. Elizabeth

I think she assumes that she is safer having Nick protect her, and he will be more likely to do that if she is depowered, not to mention it would make her more attractive to him.

She was in that movie? My mind is officially blown.

I actually tried reading some of the original Brother's Grimm fairy tales as a child and had to stop. One of them involved rolling someone down a hill in a spike filled barrel to kill them, and that was but one of the creatively gruesome deaths and tortures involved.

True, but in reality most adults actually don't know what to do with troubled kids and aren't emotionally capable of dealing with them for years at a time. It might be bad for the kids but I think it reflects that most people actually can't handle that which is why they end up in foster care.

Yes, and both Elizabeth and Henrietta handled it fine, so obviously it doesn't automatically make them evil. The only malicious hexenbeists we've seen were Adalind, her mom, and her mom's friend. For all we know that was a case of assholes sharing the same social circlebecause no one else wants to be around them. The

Exactly, it is doubtful it would have been allowed to air if the genders were reversed because the storyline could be expected to generate a huge negative backlash, maybe even people calling for a boycott.

Renard told her to seduce him, and to make herself irresistible to him. He wanted Hank to fall for her, so he could be swayed to trust them, so that in turn Nick would trust them more because Hank was his partner. Raping and murdering Hank had no strategic value for him in any capacity, in fact it was the opposite of

Zombie Nick had no control over himself. Being a zombie does not give him or anyone the same level of control being a hexenbeist does. Nick was not responsible for those actions because he didn't choose them and could not control them. Renard was under cover at the time, his goal was to keep the keys away from the

Renard was acting as a double agent though at the time, he wasn't doing those things because he wanted to but because he had to keep the Royals trusting him so he could get the key away from them. He explained this to Nick.

I think what I like best is that if you think about it their training consists of no actual training in anything besides punching stuff and shooting at it. The tests are all 'see if you're already good at something, and if you're not, we flunk you and never teach you how to do it better.'

My final guess is biromantic asexual robot with robot Aspergers. He tries to fit in by using a persona created by observing and imitating others, but it's hard for him. Humans and their emotions don't make sense to him.

I am so confused about what the show is trying to convey about Simon's sexuality or really anything else about him. Also confusing, plots so dumb I can't tell if someone is lying when they say something nonsensical and dumb. So….is Simon pretending to be a gay man because of ptsd for some reason? Or was he merely

It is annoying now that you can look at interactive maps on the internet, it should be super easy for writers to get it right.

Nick may have inherited a chunk of money when his parents 'died'…or more likely the people making the show didn't think it through this far when choosing locations.

I'm beginning to think Greenwalt has some kind of baby plotline issue or possibly a pregnant lady fetish. There are times when this show shares positive attributes with Angel, and then there's times when it gets bogged down in stupid magical baby plotlines no one likes. AGAIN. And no one even liked them on Angel,

Yeah, that was super stupid and made sense to no one but them. It was pretty dismaying they would the think the audience was so dumb that would make more sense to them rather than less. As it was it made Nick seem oddly passive aggressive.

He's also looking out for the secrecy of the magical world as a whole, which makes sense. Though it isn't said outright, if everyone was as free with information as Nick is, wesen wouldn't exactly be secret any more.

Yes, but in this case protecting secrets is TO save wesen and human lives in the long run, just not the lives of those fbi guys. Renard is playing by a centuries old rule book when it comes to maintaining the secrecy of the magical world. The wesen world has laws about maintaining secrecy, which are punishable by

What grosses me out is that no one is acting like it, or Hank getting raped was actually rape. I can't imagine them handling a story line where a woman got raped in the same fashion like this at all. Apparently in Grimm-verse men can't get raped…unless it was by a man, maybe.