
Except that we've seen two non-evil hexenbeists who were in control of themselves and helped others, Elizabeth and Henrietta.

When you think about it, this show is actually the worst because it has a clear agenda in portraying interracial relationships with asian women as bad. Think about it, every guy who was slept with May, Daisy or Daisy's mom has turned out to be evil or at least an asshole. Even if they didn't start out that way they

I knew it was, but it was still a bit ridiculous and stood out to me as a bad dialog choice. Twice I would have bought, three times and I asked myself, has this writer ever even SEEN this actress? Three times is a line generically appropriate for about any other female fighter besides her.

Having Hunter around as her love interest does make her character look like one of those beautiful, professionally successful women with a good personality who generally seems to have their shit together except then they have this scruffy loser boyfriend for some reason no one around them can understand.

I'd love to see Fitz and Simmons doing lab or tech work in the background some where.

Remember folks, nothing shows how much you care about the racism experienced by black people like making sure to shit on them and question the authenticity of their blackness the minute they dare to disagree with you about something.

For all the flak SPN has gotten over its treatment of women I'm surprised there hasn't been more outrage over Grimm's apparent 'men can't be raped' stance. I mean it treats male characrers well in other ways but that's a hell of a fault and not some minor sjw nitpick. It's not even with one rape, it's a clear pattern.

They could have just hidden her stomach and then written her out for a bit like they did with Bree. Which I desperately wish they had done.

I think she's a hard worker, though, which fits with Hermione to me. Hermione didn't excell so much because of pure natural brilliance, but hard work and effort and discipline.

You joke, but I think that's pretty much what happened. Also, based on her acting, I think Henstridge actually thought Gemma was on the planet fighting for her life the whole time right up until they handed her this script. I hope somebody at some point realizes that was a mistake and why, because now her

They've done pretty well with Bobbi/Mack, Mack/Daisy, May/Hunter, Daisy/Coulson, Coulson/May. The problem is they do that but then can't resist throwing in some cliches.

The way he interacts with Bobbi and Daisy seems even more platonic than usual to me, but he seemed different with Fitz. I think a case could made!

I still can't believe they let Henstridge bathe in our last reservoir.

The sooner the writers realize no one in the audience cares about angsty love triangles, the better. I don't even care about angsty duoangles like Bobbi and Hunter and Daisy and Lincoln. I was fine with May and Andrew and even Ward and…Agent I forget her number but when they try to do angsty romance it's bad.

She sits there because people are supposed to stay in one spot and wait for rescue. She waits until she knows she has to find water.

Well he did initially keep her in a cage and poke her with a stick and talk about eating her for dinner and lurk about menacingly in the shadows. I don't know about you but I'd find that a pretty socially awkward first date.

Yeah, I feel like they intentionally gave us one impression and tried to do a SHOCKING TWIST or something but the episodes did not jibe with me as being connected. It was like they had written out two different scenarios. They even had Gemma's voice being hoarse as if she hadn't been talking to anyone. She also seemed

I wished the writers/network had let her say 'bitch' instead.

I have this weird feeling that I don't know how to phrase, like each of the main 3 actors from Harry Potter have gone on to have the careers their characters would have if they were in some kind of alternate universe story where they were actors. Rupert is having a very Ron career while Emma has a Hermione career, etc.

Cora has used people's hearts to speak through them so it's possible.