
The answer is always 'because magic'.

I can accept there's some magical translation spell at work in the EF, the issue is even that couldn't translate the word because they would have no concept of the process or the item used. They cured things in salt, fermented them, pickled them, sealed them in jars, used layers of wax to try to preserve them, but

She wouldn't, so either it was Emma talking through her or the writers are sloppy.

Whoa wait, you don't think Belle and Rumple have chemistry compared to the other couples? What other couples? Regina and Robin? Arthur and Guinivere? Lancelot and Guinivere? Aurora and Philip? Cinderella and what's his face? Ariel and Eric? Emma and the flying monkey? Ruby and her fiance/dinner? Drying paint has more

It's hard for me to notice what the actress is doing because I can't stop staring at the wig. The awful, awful wig.

I don't think they're saying they are intrinsically evil, but they are used to trap evil so they fill up with evil stuff, ergo a person with a dark magic problem should't handle them as they might be tempted to use the evil inside, or to use them as recptacles for their dark magic.

She also used the word 'can' to describe the soda. How many cans do you think they have in Camelot? I'm going to pretend this means Emma is puppeting her like Cora did, because otherwise it's seriously sloppy writing.

What, like Mad Men? I'd rather not retcon history because it wasn't pc. Even so, Agent Carterverse is still less sexist and racist than the actual 40's.

They also killed off Victoria Hand.

That's because she's not dressing like herself, she's trying to look like she would fit in with the crowd that would do business with Hydra. She doesn't pull off looking comfortable in the clothes, which I think makes it good wardrobe and acting choices.

Speaking of Lily, what are the odds she ends up pulling the sword from the stone? If she and Emma have that weird, magical light/dark bond I wonder if somehow Emma's good got pushed into her when Emma absorbed the dark, maybe taking some from Lily. I suppose it could be a little discarded plot, but I was thinking it

The problem is the TWIST element of the show has become so egregious that it causes supense of disbelief failure, and the whole premise of this show requires a hearty dose of that from the audience to make it watchable. Like we can all get on board with various cop, medical and lawyer shows existing in alternate

I don't think anyone could really save the material she was given this week, but there are times she seems down right demoralized trying to plow through it. I don't think she's a bad actress, though, all things considered.

I would guess she, it seems like women get harrassed to lighten their skin more than men, in my experience at least.

I wish this show would stop pushing ships. Lance and Bobbi is equally as horrible as Daisy/Lincoln. I'm not entirely ship opposed, but so far AoS has only done platonic relationships well. It might be the writing more than the actors, I don't know, but whatever it is those two ships need to sink already.

Yeah it keeps her from being seperated form the action for too long and keeps it from feeling like a 'save the princess' quest.

There must be stuff there though, or what does the thing chasing her eat? It can't just feed off people sent though the portal. Simmons may have been killing and eating smaller animals, or eating plant roots, finding water in caves, who knows.

I really hate the Lance and Bobbi dynamic, so I wish the show would let it go. Bobbi is much better interacting with Mack, and Lance I like better with just about anyone else. Coulson, Fitz, May, etc.

I enjoyed how he was nice and understanding but then Asian Dadded her there hard core at the end.

Until reading the comments it never occurred to me anyone would assume it was coincidental. Moving away from the spot would have decreased her chance of rescue, Simmons is smart enough to figure that out.