
I've stopped minding Lincoln since they seemed to have stopped doing the CW-esque Daisy/Lincoln softly lit lite teen soap romantic type scenes.

I think she is also acting more adult and less like a teenager. This is the first time she feels like she's maturing into a young woman for me. Before she seemed like a young woman who was still acting a bit like a teen.

I think it's a good show too, the production quality and special effects are far surpassing what I expected. I'm not saying that as a slight to the BBC, just not what I assumed would be possible with the budget. Hopefully it will get better ratings overseas.

Well, the other servants left though, and they hadn't even been taken to the balls. Just the creepiness of the house and the bells drove them away. I think Lady Poole is reacting differently in part because there is the added element of her being raised from the dead. That in and of itself must be adding to the

It's called OUAT Syndrome.

At least for two of them, their english isn't the best, so maybe it was harder for them to hear. But my god, when I saw Helena in the hat with the crazy eyes on the moniter, I was like, how can you possibly think that is Alison. You are drug dealers, can't you immediately sense the danger you're in? Can't you see

I wish they would realize that really is some of the best stuff in the series. Just the sheer chemistry between the other actors on the show and Tatiana. I would definitely trade more conspiracy stuff and absorbed twins for more Krystal and Felix, or Donnie and Helena. I mean who would have guessed those two

Honestly, I would watch a Hendrix based spin-off.

Somehow the ghost scorpian should figure into this.

I remember this discussion about chaps and their asslessness has happened before, but I can't remember why.

I think they're keeping it deliberately vague, though it would be more odd if the US military was running around doing these things in Canada, which I think is where the show is supposed to be.

All three of them!

But Adalind DID sell the baby. That was how she got her powers back, that was the contract she signed, and she had every intention of going through with it, until she learned she would be killed after she gave birth if she didn't run away. So, she sold the baby, but then ran away failing to deliver the goods in order

I think it was also for symbolic purposes, to show Peggy as a working woman having a good romantic life, so it also goes against the trope of the high powered woman giving up her work to find love. Stan keeps telling her there are other things besides work, and she does get that thing (romance) but stays dedicated to

Selling your baby is more than a decision that some people might not like. I don't think there's a country on earth where that's actually legal, and doesn't make you lose custody. If the baby wasn't magical and they could have proved that in a court of law, Adalind would have had the baby taken away by the courts.

But they only did that after Adalind refused to listen to the people protecting her and ran off, letting everyone know exactly where she and the baby were. They took the baby away because she was a liability to the baby's safety. If she had been willing to listen to people who knew how to keep her hidden and safe, it

Or maybe they're looking for women who don't get sick so they can track them back down and use them to breed with the clones, or possibly to carry new baby clone experiments?

I can't help but wonder where that will go. Was The Artist a fluke? I know I was surprised by the way her acting was on Grimm, mwill that be the fluke? I have no idea.

I think he choked her because he coildn't bring himself to be forceful or final with her. He didn't try to snap her neck or even shoot her again, (though why telekinesis works less well on strangling than guns, who knows) so I think he was trying to work himself up to it but couldn't do it.

I laughed so hard when he gave his press conference about the murder suicide death cult which was also a hate group, complete with robes and masks that had killed tons of people in the park. In the normal world, this would be a huge deal, but in Grimm's Portland….meh.