
Crime is so high in Portland, nobody even notices huge murder sprees any more.

I think Nick's family is the only ones we've seen doing that, and his mom still had a strong dislike of wesen. Before a group of grimms made off with the keys, I thought the grimms worked for the royals.

Ugh, sadly I am guessing I know the flavors you are talking about. Hippy food always lies about what it is.

It always makes me want to laugh. This poor, apparently older and non-internet using lady just couldn't understand why the avocado kept falling apart to mush in the water when she boiled pieces of it. For some reason trying it raw didn't occur to her. She tried eating the mush with salt and pepper, and told my sister

Honestly, I think they were just trying to take ingredients they knew Canadians liked and then putting them inside tortillas. By that logic, a ground beef, cheese, mayonaise and onion burrito makes sense (which is what I got when I ordered a 'beef burrito'). I should have checked for the poutine burrito.

To be fair to us, the rest of the world would also be doing themselves a favor by getting good Mexican restaurants. Once you've had it, it's up there with French, Italian, Thai, Chinese and Indian.

My sister has assured me that the Mexican food situation in England is even worse than it is in Canada.

Especially Grant. She shot him and he ain't even mad.

I don't need a whole harem, but if ABC wrote him as being the middle of a MackSimmons sandwich, my respect for them would increase about a thousand percent.

Yes, it showed us episodes ago how Jaiying treats Cal, how she led him along, how much control she had over him and how much he desperately wanted to please her, and yet how coldly she was willing to throw him away or deny him ever seeing Skye again if that put her on Skye's good side. But because Cal had been

So naturally they made up for it by giving Lana a horrorshow of cheap Halloween costume extensions for her fairytale long hair. There must be a yin and a yang of hair on this show.

OUAT is one of those rare shows I am well truly ashamed to be watching. I seriously watch it only when I'm alone in the house so there is no record of my shame except through anonymous internet comments. And then I have to watch it on demand because by god I can't make myself program it into the tivo because rl I

Why hello there, Mr. Seekrit Lee Uhbahdguy! You sure seem a decent sort OH WAIT CRAP you're secretly a bad guy??? How did I not see this coming?

Disqus is terrible for keeping track, but the av club also likes to randomly log me out, and then it becomes the hugest pain to get to whatever part I was reading again if I want to comment.

Yeah, she missed a whole arc of learning how to pretend to be a bastard and run things. Maybe this next bit is supposed to replace that?

It's also not exactly the same trope when he's befriending a lesbian. That doesn't even make sense, all stories of gay people being friends with each other can't be reduced to some 'gay best friend' stereotype. To Cosima he is probably her non-science friend.

I may be in the minority but I actually liked the sweater.

It's hard to believe she was also the pork chop bone. Those scenes of her chewing on herself were impressive,

When she said ' you are shit mother' I found myself thinking, well, there's another person on Helena's kill list.

That's what I figured too, but Wu could have had a line about that, like 'and I heard his accent! It was the Polish butcher!' But I suppose the in show explanation could have been that he was possessed too…in which case the Ripper could have originally been from anywhere.