Jim Fix

Test audience, would you be slightly more likely to be conned into seeing this movie if it were Robocop, Iron Cop, or New Judge Dread?  "Robocop" it is!

I think Vertigo II and Vertigo III—Obsession and Body Double—are exceptional  pulpy fun.  De Palma is a little more accidentally campy in Obsession, but Cliff Robertson and John Lithgow really deliver the crazy.  And written by Paul Schrader, nuff said.

D.D., concerning the NEA—there's no money flowing directly to artists, starving or otherwise, from the NEA anymore.  They eliminated individual artist grants some time in the mid-90's. 

I think they took that straight from the Book of Mormon.

I believe Jeff City is the capital, so.

"Say this for Rob Zombie:..more…retro-…ash-faced…jerking off dildos…than…good intentions don't carry "The Lords of Salem" as far as they should"—Noel Murray, AV Club

"'cuz the fields are where you DIE**-er-uh-uh-uh-ah-**escape from the tilling fields**"

Swardson comes out the worst here—motherfucker is Rob Schneider's understudy. 

I've seen some TV cartoon animation with that sub-video game quality, but it's amazing how bad this is on a movie scale. 

I never knew this existed until it showed up on cable, which gave me super low expectations.  It was totally watchable and equally forgettable. 

I think his wishing for the band members' ruin and imminent death takes it the extra mile at the end.  I'm satisfied. 

Robbie Fulks is good.  Catherine Irwin, from country/ folky group Freakwater,  has a new solo album out called Little Heater that's pretty enjoyable.  Her other solo effort from ten years ago, Cut Yourself A Switch has a great cover of "I'm The Only Hell My Mama Ever Raised".  In the neighborhood of Gilllian Welch,

Their "After the Fire is Gone" and "You're The Reason Our Kids Are Ugly" are also great.

Does Schwartzman look as much like Nic Cage in the movie as he does in the picture up top?

But this would also be a wise cover statement if a bunch of dudes in ski masks with T-ball bats were going to jump Chris Brown and fuck him up in the odd future.


I think it's like drag racing, and the winner comes away with the titles on a couple more loser babies.

Coach, I think that's got to be the case.  There are a few different combinations that could include, but I hope it's one with Vulture so all the silly on top of silly turns into awesome.  They could also go the way of the cartoon and call them the Insidious Six—supposedly because the network felt sinister was too

Moon Knight could be cool but he might just end up looking like the photo negative of Batman.  What about Rom?  Seems like he's the last toy space robot people forgot about.  I won the whole run of Rom playing poker at recess in fourth or fifth grade so I remember it fondly.  We would bet with relative worth, so you

Hansel & Gretel: Trash Humpers