Jim Fix

Menstrual Storm/ Face the Single Payer

I also ran through the whole series a few days ago—really enjoyable show. The show has a lot of characters/ actors to juggle all packed into a few days of elapsed time. So a lot of the layers of "mystery"/ambiguity take some real time to emerge but not much story time. Compared to the garbage storytelling disarray

This is bad music, but somehow the author here makes an argument that is
worse. I seldom see the idea that the depiction equals glorification
outside of the most whacked out religious nuttery. QUEENSRYCHE WANT YOU TO JOIN AN AUTHORITARIAN CULT.

They don't have the rights to Hulk. Are you interested in some inbred Blobs?

I thought the first season was watchable but kind of plodding. The second season was really excellent, with a lot more personality, action, and tension.

They really have to go for it with the weirdness. New Mutants were pretty synonymous with the abstract Bill Sienciewicz stuff for me, and I imagine the movie to be a great opportunity for something unique and surreal—Magik grabbing people with an armored fist and melting into a demon populated hell space, Warlock

I think that is basically the analogy, with the tag when Betty is all "Now EAT IT".

He also fooled around with his maid. He was more of a "behind the scenes" governor.

Hey, AV Club won't load on my phone anymore. The new site just made me five times more productive!

Looks like there's an identity factor, too. Animated shows are populated by more characters that are lower to middle class—struggling family living above their restaurant, nuclear plant employee. Cartoons are one of the few places where more average people are represented. Reality shows are another; 48 Hours and

Crazy enough, a Sean Penn-written/ directed movie inspired by the Springsteen song "Highway Patrolman" is really good. It takes what is a moody story sketch in Boss song form and fills in the gaps mainly with rich characterization. Viggo Mortensen is great as the volatile "ain't no good" brother and Sean Penn

5) Coulson is revealed to be an android on the show, becomes the Vision in the Avengers movie, never returns to show but is replaced by lines about "remember when the boss turned out to be a superhero" instead of "Battle of New York, snik snak snu…". Lots of Age of Ultron DVD commercials tie it all together.

GODDAMMIT CHANCELLOR, I thought you were just giving more Breaking Bad spoilers—I haven't seen the 2 Cup Girls thing yet!!!

I don't know how far in the past your education is, but Frankenstein is certainly worth reading for more than the gist of the story.  It is a pleasure to read.  It's also quite short, so you're lucky you didn't get Moby Dick I guess.

I had my doubts, but the shitty movie poster is winning me over:

I think they made a great series finale, it just happened to be at the end of the penultimate season.

Basket Case minus basket plus shit jokes. 

The last one I really enjoyed was Trauma.  It's another slasher retread of Bird With Crystal Plumage or Four Flies on Gray Velvet, but more fun seeing Argento going back to basics than turning in an incoherent cluster fuck like Mother of Tears.  If he really worked on it, I'd say his last great horror movie credit

There's a teaser on Youtube—don't know if it's the same trailer.  It makes me think of 70's Cronenberg like The Brood…which makes me wish Cronenberg would make a movie like 70's Cronenberg again. 

Kareebel, a person is bound to get cocky when when all he has to do is lift his boot and dudes run face first into it.