Jim Fix

He plays it pretty straight in "Birdy".  Maybe watching Matthew Modine get all the fun in that movie made Cage swear to never not be the fucking crazy one again.

I prefer Angel overall (though in their best seasons the shows are both great) and thought TGIQ was fun.  Compared to the repetitive slog that Buffy became in the last season I was glad to see an episode of Angel at the end that was loose and playful.  It was a fitting culmination to the Spike-Angel conflict/ bromance

I prefer Angel overall (though in their best seasons the shows are both great) and thought TGIQ was fun.  Compared to the repetitive slog that Buffy became in the last season I was glad to see an episode of Angel at the end that was loose and playful.  It was a fitting culmination to the Spike-Angel conflict/ bromance

I thought it was a Little Bit of Heaven, but it was just Kate Hudson's asshole.

"Fog Closing In" from season two is a good, weird episode, and a nice example of Hitch asked to explain away a stark ending without even trying to sell it.

I think that's Wax Jewel Staite above.

New Spider Man's face is 90% more punchable. 

I was just indifferent to L Z until I saw the assholathan one pithy comment has unleashed.  Get a job hippies!

But would it kill you to say dude was Lex Luther's dad on Smallville for a decade?  It's the reference people could pick up even if they never saw the show just by way of commercials.

I think those guys got more work in "Born American".  At least the ones that could play crazy human scale chess.


I was just hoping enjoyers of the broader genre would quit watching that Grimm and Supernatural shit and get on board.  Grimm is what Fringe would be if Fringe were more episodic again and totally fucking stupid. 

All that fast-slow-fast-slow action looks like shit.  Forgive me for mixing metaphors, but fuck this gutless visual diarrhea.

Some kids are always going to truly be outcasts.  Not the cool kind of outcasts on TV that actually are clever or subversive.  Some kids are just weak, they're awkward, and they can't learn to throw a punch for the same reason they can't learn to play basketball.  They can lift weights and they're still thin, they can

If we can all agree that kids are aware of the existence of cussing, and you can say one "fuck" or a couple "shit" in a PG movie, can't they just replace the rating with a sign that says "This film contains the f-word ten times, including disturbing atomic wedgie context".

I pictured more of a Hang 'Em High—

I expect this to be a lot like Sanford & Son, but with pants shitting instead of heart attacks.

I can't listen to this song without getting distracted thinking about all the nineties college rock it reminds me of—Pavement, Helium, Pixies.  Hmph.

And then the Ozzman shat his infernal pantaloons.

Mustain dreams again, momentarily, of phantom Metallica share of money and pussy.