Jim Fix

Did you see The Mechanic remake?  Statham is on a boring streak.

Romero is apparently remaking Argento's Deep Red.

Night of the Living Dead, The Crazies, Martin, and Dawn of the Dead are great movies and great horror movies.  You're mocking the zombie inventiveness of the guy who literally invented the modern zombie?  

Agree with OP—and I am a great fan of the Evil Dead movies.  Drag Me to Hell was better than another Saw movie or some shit so I understand the knee-jerk support, but its niftier ideas were suffocated by the cliche's for me.

I remember the X-Men/ Micronauts mini-series fondly—I won them and most of the run of Rom cheating at blackjack during fourth grade recesses.  Rom movie pretty much has to be coming, cuz metal guy vs. sludgy space fuckers is a CGI wet dream.

True Blood gonna need a lot more titty then.

Thought this cover would be fun, but boy is it shitty.  Why doesn't Chipotle just promote their fucking tacos with the sounds of dying birds and pictures of old ladies knitting? Save your plodding sincerity for a Simon & Garfunkle cover and leave Willie alone.

I liked that the team he put together were all WWE wrestlers (and heels to boot), kind of telegraphing that they weren't going to last long enough to have to act.  

How can you say that this auteur doesn't know film?

Needs a little more "We Got it Maid".

That pic up top looks like they're doing a "Weekend at Bernie's" with Lou's corpse.

Skin it!  Skin those smoke wagons and go to work.

Re: Recipe For Hate—

WIll Oldham (Palace Brothers/ Bonnie Prince Billy/ etc) also debuted with "There is No One What Will Take Care of You" and Bikini Kill put out "Pussy Whipped".  Good albums.

Chris Carter was like "whoa, what is all this crazy business going on around here?", and then tried to squish the show into an X-Files shaped turd.

TCM Commercial:  The Movie

That post credits action sounds like actual movie.  Post-credits-sequence is the new bonus track.  Fuck this shit.

No, Silent Running is the movie that privileges nature over exploring the universe. And it has space hippie Bruce Dern and his robot pals.

CSI: Crypt

$50 million dollar coke budget.