The Horse You Rode In On

@ Ludicrous: Yeah, that's another thing. Sometimes a bride's behavior won't actually be that bad, or will even be reasonable under the circumstances, and the narrator will *still* rag on her. Like, maybe the caterer will be running behind by three hours and the bride will understandable, but then the narrator will

Yeah, it's pretty awesome, alright.

I would watch a show about twenty women competing for a green card.

@ Ludicrous: My wife, who loves Bridezillas, has the same reaction. Her theory is that whomever writes for the show is some sort of tremendously jaded uber-misogynist, which she backs up by pointing out that most of WE's shows of this ilk started coming out around the time that the network started staffing its

"Cast of of Cliches"
"[S]lutty hacker"? Really? I mean, desperate or sex-crazed, sure - but how often do you honestly see a slutty hacker?

Now that's just blasphemous, Karla.

* may strike you as

@ZMF: I probably should mention that, since the AC games have more of a 'sandbox' world than the Hitman series, the assassinations here do lack some of the intensity of those. I don't mean to imply that they're not exciting, or that they don't require planning and timing, but simply that since they're part of a much

Seriously, this game interrupted New Vegas for me, and New Vegas was probably breaking up my marriage. Just be warned that there's a lot of mythology from the first two games that this one doesn't really take time to explain, so unless you don't mind going through it doing things without knowing why, I'd play the

Oh good Lord, yes. In Brotherhood alone, you have a more-or-less full-scale Rome to walk around/own, and even if you don't like the story itself (which I personally do) the fact that you can carry out the assassinations in pretty much as simple or as complex a way as you like is enough to keep everyone I know

@ Sherbert: Eh, I know a good number of people who watch it for Mika Brzezinski, although for the life of me I don't know why. No discernible personality on that woman - her only setting is 'indignant'.

That's because you're obviously not familiar with his earlier short works, where he can't go more than a paragraph without mentioning guinea pigs.

Oh, calm down. You knew this was coming, and had plenty of time to steel yourself for it.


Your rhyming skills are rivaled only by Steve Miller's.

*the TSA

Hey, c'mon now. Lay off he TSA. Some of us our married, and have to get our junk touched *somewhere*.

!? What the fuck? Out of curiosity, I went to this numbnuts' website, only to find it had one single entry from three months ago, a YouTube video, and a bizarre series of punctuationally-challenged "disclaimers" that I'm pretty sure were supposed to be posted under "About". I'm starting to think that the whole site

@ Skip the Light Fandango: And on that note, I'm gone. Listen, boss, it's been a hoot - and I mean that - but I gotta go meet my wife up at her folks' place, and it's a long drive. I think you should keep going, though. If it WAS all a gag, then it'll eventually be funny again, (never stopped for me, if that makes

Oh, sure, sure. Like I said below, I've got family on my mom's side (out in southern Utah) who are more psyched up politically than they've been in almost a decade. And they're the sweetest people imaginable: decent, hardworking family folks, just good, good people. All I'm saying is it only takes me about fifteen