The Horse You Rode In On

And I'm here three! That's enough for a club, right? You guys, let's do it. Let's totally fucking form a club.

@ Lobsters: Can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's the fact that this is what the new Republican majority is choosing to spotlight as a great national priority. This. Federal fucking funding for NPfuckingR. Not the economy, not the job crisis, not the impending shut-down of Congress. No, it's this and

@ Doctor Wally: Right, but not over and over and over. I donate to my local NPR affiliate three times a year—once for each pledge drive. Happy to do it. I click the "Donate an extra $12 to NPR News" box. Happy to do it. But I also pay rent every month. And ConEd. And massive, MASSIVE medical bills for my wife.

@ Dr. Wally: It's not that NPR is going anywhere, it's the fact that reduced funding will lead to reduction in quality, even if only by a bit of NPR signature programs like Morning Edition and All Things Considered: less time for research, smaller overseas bureaus, etc. It also means, to steal a phrase from the great

@bagpipe: I DO pay for it, dipshit. It's called a pledge drive, and it's fucking annoying as all hell. And were this crap to pass the Senate, (which admittedly, is pretty unlikely,) I will have to deal with more of them.

@ Mr. Klugarsh: One of my all-time favorite Onion bits:

@ strang: I would love to read that interview; however, I cant quite bring myself to type the words "gandolfini huge black dildo" into Google, mostly because I work in such a small office.

Well of course. Everyone know THAT.

I have to admit that I wasn't reading this thread very carefully, and was confused/impressed that World of Warcraft was far more intricately plotted than I had previously been led to believe. And that it somehow involved Tom Cruise (which was my first hint that I might've misread something).

But I thought you were Glenn Beck…

…to the Holodeck?

Wait, I'm confused. Randy Quaid is your grandfather?

I vote awesome, for reasons mentioned above by Mr. Handlen: in yet another adventure show packed to the gills with athletic, witty extroverts, it's nice to see a sympathetic character who's just sort of a weird, awkward dude, especially since many of us TNG fans are sort of weird, awkward dudes ourselves.

Oh, Barclay!
Will you never learn to let people in?


I wouldn't call O'Reilly's "Those Who Trespass" fanfic, per se, since all of the lead males (especially *Spoiler!* THE KILLER! *Spoiler!*) are essentially different aspects of himself. Unless, of course, you meant this book was written by O'Reilly's number-one fan. Which, I suppose, is true.

Why Did This Get a C…
…if it sucks so bad? Not that I doubt for a second that it does, but then why grade it less than a letter lower than the not-that-bad "Bob's Burgers"? Why not just brand this bile with the dreaded D-?

Guinan's Gun
is a Magnus-3. And it's for sale:

Funny, that's exactly what we here in Manhattan used to call Joe Bruno.

Fun (Shoddily Amateur) Historical Fact:
Although, Warren Harding is widely believed coined the word "normalcy" in his 1920 acceptance speech, contemporary research found the word had been in recorded use (although highly infrequently) since 1849! However, given Harding's well-documented penchant for malapropism, it