The Horse You Rode In On

He can school you too, Spider - if you'll just open your heart to Him.

Holy fuck, you people post fast!

McGinley already called. He's not interested, said something about "hurting his career".

It makes me sort of angry that South Park got Burning Man right but fucked up the Cthulu mythos. I almost wish I wasn't the only one who cared.

@ idiotking: Jesus, did you really just find that out? Why would your boss wait until the start of the day to tell you that? (Or am I making a mistake in assuming that you work somewhere between EST and PST?) In any case, that fucking sucks. Sorry, dude.

@ Frug: I think you're right: counter-productive would've been more accurate. I was certainly not at my most eloquent on Monday, for reasons mentioned above.

Fuck no.

Treachery, Betrayal,

Frug: Okay, I think I see where we're not meeting up, here, and it's in a large part due to my earlier post, which I will admit is maybe just a tad bit ranty. Mea culpa on that, by the way; I've had very little sleep in the past three days.

@ Vet Set: You're right, it wasn't the same thing. Scarborough's heads-up allowed MSNBC time to plan a dynamite p.r. strategy to wave in front of any nosy liberal bloggers with questions about Morning Joe's Fox-like activism; whereas they had nothing but their dicks to wave at Politico when the came calling about

I'm afraid you're missing the bigger point, my Frug-ugly friend. Yes, Scarborough sought permission for his 2006 donation to Derrick Kitts from NBC honchos. (No word if he asked Phil Griffin before fundraising for college buddy/Alabama state legislature candidate John Merrill last August. I guess he didn't have to

@ Zeluge

Well la-de-da, Dave. Who do you think you are, some sort of "language person" or somethin'?

Actually, all twelve of us will be happily watching when he returns tomorrow. Appreciate the concern, though.

Welllll….You wouldn't anyway.

There was something about Frank needing the entirety of his body and energy to even fail at pushing Schmitty out of Dennis' car that that actually caused me to go into convulsions. Who knew before this show that Danny DeVito had such a talent for physical comedy?

Fair enough. Understand, though, it's not that boring to a lot of us who live down here. I have Canadian relatives, and understand that you guys have your own country to worry about, but don't be too surprised that an American writer is writing about American issues. If you like the guy, like him for what he

*at work

Fuck me, you're right. She was SPEAKING at an NAACP meeting ABOUT her experience at the DoA. I'm writing as work, and was sort of pissed when I wrote that (quickly). Thank you, Bear, for pointing that out before I made too much of an ass of myself.

That's just moronic. Taibbi was long gone from Moscow before Rolling Stone even showed interest. Hell, I thought his career was finished after he was fired from the NY Press (where I first encountered and became a fan of his writing). His reemergence at RS was a very pleasant surprise.