The Horse You Rode In On

*as cogent a luminary

Another masterpiece of critical commentary. How are you not writing for the National Review yet? You're at least as cogent as Jonah Goldberg.

@ Fidel: Then what did you mean?

Amen to that, my dear Nutsack, amen to that. That's the same instinct that led the NAACP to fire Shirley Sherrod, or NPR to fire Juan Williams (who had some legitimate conflicts of interests, but not in this most recent case). It's the same reason I involuntarily flinch when Jon Stewart places clips of Keith

Oh Jesus, fucking Ben Nelson. Part of me wants to move to Nebraska just for the chance to vote against that motherfucker in the '12 primaries.

Well geez, Fidel, it sure sounds like you should try reading something else, then. Lord knows the internet is lousy with people who arbitrarily use the word 'whore'.

Classy. And, I'm sure, worth responding to.

What Snurrrve said. Also, Taibbi goes out of his way to do research, something Thompson rarely, if ever, did. Back in his "eXile" days, he and co-editor Mark Ames were some of the first to break stories of chronyism in the wholesale giveaways of former Soviet banks and communications companies. Thompson (whom, like

I always confuse him with famous organized-clown novelist Mario Punzo.

I kinda hope they don't really kill Monstroso off, as he's one of the few legitimately competent villains on this show. (Plus, his bonding with Billy at the end was actually sort of sweet.) I'm not sure how they'd swing it, but still.

Er, Hitler. Not Hatred.

That's all he really needed, you know. That, and the Rhineland.

I hear he contracted them from barebacking a drunk coed after a frat party back in his college days. Then again, I also hear that's how two-thirds of Marist alums got their "powers".

Eh, those fucking TNG promos on BBC-America kinda killed even that part for me.

@ My Liege: If the child is younger than the kids in his porn, then the porn goes to jail. Obviously.


Historical? Hell, it's patriotic!

In any case, it's total bullshit. There was no imminent danger here, no incitement to action, and no statement of intent. Free speech is free speech, no mater how creepy or outrageous. That's why the Klan can march in Skokie; that's why Fred Phelps can struggle publicly with his sexuality outside of military

Not if one of the first two leads to the third.

…But do you KNOW that?