The Horse You Rode In On

@ Mr. Balls: What's wrong with that? Isn't that just a comic about developmentally-disabled adults?

@ Pun: But don't you get tired regulating securities all day?

Or Alan Moore's Lost Girls, which was reviewed on this very site.

* policy, I fear that I read, etc.

Ah, I see. My apologies, Mr. Hinks: inspired as I was by Messrs. mcc & Jaslioko to delve into the dank murk of California redistricting policy that I read your post somewhat hurredly, and thus mistook it for antipolitical polemic. The fault, of course, is entirely mine.

And I know that there's only so much I can blame a player for the laws of gravity, but still.

Don't get me wrong, the man can kick a football downfield. But it doesn't linger: by the time my boys make it down the field, the returning runner's already gone 20-30 yards. I hope yer right about it being stagefright, Paul, because right now I wince a little whenever the G-Men's offense walks off the field.

@ Mr. Hinks: See, but they're connected, though. There's an upcoming voter initiative in California known as Proposition 20, which, among other things, would basically hand all redistricting powers to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, an appointed bipartisan committee with zero public oversight. Most

Well goddamn. Yesterday was not a good day for spelling, huh?

Shit, what did I say?

The laugh counts as a quote, right? I mean, he's not really *laughing* so much as *saying* "Hhua-hu-hua".

That laugh. It just rips you out of whatever little dramatic tension a scene has built. That laugh is what blurs the line between independent film and softcore pornography. Well, that and all the softcore pronography.

Ahhh, you ain't driven hard 'til you've driven the Bronx! The Bronx is full of godawful, apparently colorblind drivers, seemingly suicidal pedestrians, and streets that are about as likely to end suddenly or entirely reverse direction as they are to go straight ahead, and they all converge in a 24-hour shitstorm,

@ Bender: My wife (who grew up in Stormville, so — Duchess representin', I guess?) told me that a friend of hers worked with the dull little troll at some stadium or arena or something up there. Her alleged friend allegedly told her that Ms. Polizzi was so dim she couldn't be trusted with the tickets and so

Oh. Hm. Well okay, then, I'm gonna go ahead and cast my vote for "serviceable".

I dunno, I think Ms. Munn pretty good, for a new correspondant. Okay, maybe she hasn't hit her stride yet, but that's pretty common. (John Oliver took for-fucking-EVER to get into the groove he's in now.) But she's got good timing, and you have to admit that she commits pretty fully to whatever she's in.


America (the Book) had actual essays by correspondants, though (which Earth [the Book] lacks.) I'd wager that those were what Mr. Pierce was referring to.

Massachusetts, too. Did anybody mention Massachusetts drivers yet? They're terrible.

True enough, true enough. But consider this: would it be as funny to watch, say, Kyle or Stan get raped by something ridiculous?