The Horse You Rode In On

Why Jersey is awesome: the fucking Boss.

It's that the children in question are usually terrible, terrible people. Does that make it right? No. Does it make it funny. Mmmm, usually.

My lovely wife, who reads voraciously and is generally regarded by people as a thoughtful, intellegent person, is absolutely batshit for Jersey Shore, and its Style Network counterpart/knockoff, Jerseylicious. This used to be a source of constant annoyance for me, especially since she so often rejected far superior

@ SarCCastro: I was about to step in and defend the NFC East-leading (NEW YORK) Giants…

Bunnicula! Jorge, you have made my inner eight-year-old's day.

Fuck it, "The Nutty Professor" was pretty funny.

Dude, you know far too much about Cash Cab.

Cash Cab? Fuck that guy. I had a friend who was "picked up" by the Cash Cab (he lost on the first question). A producer came upto him on the street and asked him if he wanted to be on the show. The whole thing is total bullshit.

@ Manservant: Well now, to be fair, we only see, what, a couple of dozen organizations, most of them peripheral? I hardly imagine that to be a representative sampling of global heroism/villany overall. Not everyone can be as spectacular or public a failure as Rusty Venture. That would be like judging the entire


@ Allusionist: I get the impression, as others have before me, that the OSI and the Guild of Calamitous Intent are more quasi-governmental regulating bodies than actual businesses or secret orders. While both feature rank and the odd traditional rite, their main function would appear to be to keep both the world's

Hey, at least you have an excuse for not knowing, Otto. I actually grew up and currently work in the NYC medallion taxi industry. It is quite literally one of the only areas of knowledge that I can safely look pompous and overinformed about, because I quite frankly am. Not exactly the subject I would expect to hear

Gah! Goddamn Nick Swardson! I just want to scroll down!

It makes sense. He's the same character, just with a touch more luck. To paraphrase the Bard: a Rusty by any other dimension would sound as grating.

And so I learned my first fact of the day. Thanks!

One minor point: I'm pretty sure that the gas vent in front of the car was modeled on a standard dashboard incense burner. Maybe I'm missing something. But, hey! The obnoxious Taxi TV with the useless touchscreen was pretty spot-on . I also loved how the Doc was so oblivious that he didn't notice he was getting

"[P]rivate dick adventure".

…All of which is basically a self-aggrandizing way of agreeing with Uh-Huh.

You know, I feel the same way about firsties that I do about hipster culture: both are blaring cries for attention that used to annoy me to no end, (the latter far more than the former, of course,) until I realized that both are borne out of crippling insecurity and phallic insignificance, and that both would exist

My wife once dated a guy with a chav. She says it looked like a tiny barrel.